3,000,000 tourists move through Venice each year. But when the tourists leave the city, 60,000 year-round resÂiÂdents stay behind, conÂtinÂuÂing their daiÂly lives, which requires navÂiÂgatÂing an archÂiÂpelÂago made up of 124 islands, 183 canals and 438 bridges. How this comÂpliÂcatÂed city works – how the buildÂings are defendÂed from water, how the buildÂings stand on unsteady ground, how the VeneÂtians navÂiÂgate this maze of a city – is a pretÂty fasÂciÂnatÂing stoÂry. These techÂniques have been worked out over Venice’s 1500 year hisÂtoÂry, and now they’re explored in a capÂtiÂvatÂing 17 minute video proÂduced by a VenetÂian govÂernÂment agency. You can learn more about the inner life of this great city at Venice BackÂstage.
via MetafilÂter
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ActuÂalÂly, the native popÂuÂlaÂtion in the hisÂtoric island cenÂter of Venice is only about 60,000 today (when you don’t count the modÂern setÂtleÂment of Mestre on the mainÂland but still withÂin the offiÂcial city limÂits), down almost 100,000 from the midÂdle of the twenÂtiÂeth cenÂtuÂry! As you might get the impresÂsion from this sumpÂtuÂous video, island Venice is a beauÂtiÂful city but not an easy one to live in…
Hi Misciel,
Thanks for the corÂrecÂtion. Wikipedia listÂed the popÂuÂlaÂtion as 270,000 but I guess that is for the greater metro area and not strictÂly the city itself. I corÂrectÂed the figÂure.
Many thanks,
Crap! I can’t stop watchÂing this.
Thanks, Dan. I don’t know what I would do withÂout your site.
AweÂsome video- thanks for postÂing it! I have nevÂer been to Venice, but I am dying to go– espeÂcialÂly after watchÂing this!
this is very good video and i will be there to see soon
In ancient times peoÂple from the mainÂland dumped their trash in the shalÂlow lagoon. When barÂbarÂians, Arabs, etc invadÂed from the land side the natives took refuge in the dump. Then they figÂured out it was easÂiÂer to just build homes there using the old Roman method of driÂving stakes into the mud. The dump became a great milÂiÂtary and merÂchant powÂer. SlowÂly but sureÂly it’s sinkÂing, pylons and all, into oblivÂion.