Classical Music: A History According to YouTube

Three cheers for cura­tion. Lime­light, an Aus­tralian cul­ture web site, has select­ed “40 of the most infor­ma­tive, rep­re­sen­ta­tive and enter­tain­ing videos” avail­able on YouTube. And they’ve strung them togeth­er in such a way that they offer a â€śchrono­log­i­cal his­to­ry of west­ern clas­si­cal music from the twelfth cen­tu­ry to the mod­ern age,” tak­ing you from The Mid­dle Ages and The Renais­sance, through the Baroque, Clas­si­cal, and Roman­tic peri­ods, and end­ing with The Birth of Mod­ernism and Post-WWII inno­va­tions. The clip above comes from Anton van Mun­ster’s film on Vival­di, I Musi­ci, which is avail­able on Net­flix. (If you’re not a sub­scriber, a one month free tri­al is avail­able here.) Oth­er clips put a spot­light on Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Ver­di, Wag­n­er and oth­ers.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

85,000 Clas­si­cal Music Scores (and Free MP3s) on the Web

The Com­plete Organ Works of Johann Sebas­t­ian Bach

The Great­est Com­posers: Accord­ing to The New York Times

via Metafil­ter

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