Clarence Clemons, The Big Man & His Big Sound Will Be Missed

Clarence Clemons, the sax­o­phon­ist who played along­side Bruce Spring­steen for four decades, passed away today at 69. The Big Man and his sound will be missed.

Above, a sim­ple mourn­ful reminder of what we’ll be going with­out: First up, a soul­ful solo from “Jun­gle­land,” per­formed in Mil­wau­kee back in March 2008. And then a return to the ear­ly days, a youth­ful per­for­mance of “Thun­der Road” record­ed at the Capi­tol The­atre, Pas­sa­ic, NJ (1978). Clarence takes over at the 6:12 mark.

H/T to David Rem­nick for bring­ing this vin­tage clip to the suface.

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