Clarence Clemons, the saxÂoÂphonÂist who played alongÂside Bruce SpringÂsteen for four decades, passed away today at 69. The Big Man and his sound will be missed.
Above, a simÂple mournÂful reminder of what we’ll be going withÂout: First up, a soulÂful solo from “JunÂgleÂland,” perÂformed in MilÂwauÂkee back in March 2008. And then a return to the earÂly days, a youthÂful perÂforÂmance of “ThunÂder Road” recordÂed at the CapiÂtol TheÂatre, PasÂsaÂic, NJ (1978). Clarence takes over at the 6:12 mark.
H/T to David RemÂnick for bringÂing this vinÂtage clip to the suface.
These are so cool!!