David Lynch and Interpol Team Up on Short Film

Three years ago, the mem­bers of the band Inter­pol sat down with film­mak­er David Lynch. It was a casu­al meet­ing, an “ice break­er,” that paved the way for a future col­lab­o­ra­tion.

Skip ahead to 2010, and the col­lab­o­ra­tion begins. Inter­pol wants to devel­op visu­als to accom­pa­ny their per­for­mance at the 2011 Coachel­la Fes­ti­val, and Lynch agrees to take on the job. The result: “I Touch a Red But­ton Man,” a short ani­mat­ed film that accom­pa­nies Inter­pol’s song “Lights.” The film (orig­i­nal­ly shown at Coachel­la) was offi­cial­ly released online yes­ter­day at Huff­Po, where the band also talked about the gen­e­sis of the project in their own words.

You can find this film list­ed in the Ani­ma­tion sec­tion of our big col­lec­tion of Free Movies Online.

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