In SepÂtemÂber 1976, JimÂmy Carter and GerÂald Ford squared off in a presÂiÂdenÂtial debate, and the folÂlowÂing day, the legÂendary comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion theÂoÂrist MarÂshall McLuhan appeared on the TODAY show, then hostÂed by Tom Brokaw, to offer some almost real-time analyÂsis of the debate. The first teleÂvised presÂiÂdenÂtial debate was famousÂly held in 1960, and it pitÂted John F. Kennedy against Richard Nixon. SixÂteen years latÂer, punÂdits and citÂiÂzens were still tryÂing to make sense of the forÂmat. Was the teleÂvised debate a new and vital part of AmerÂiÂcan democÂraÂcy? Or was it a careÂfulÂly conÂtrolled act of politÂiÂcal perÂforÂmance? For McLuhan, there was still some ideÂalÂisÂtic sense that teleÂvised debates could enhance our democÂraÂcy, assumÂing the mesÂsage was suitÂed to the mediÂum. But McLuhan came away disÂilÂluÂsioned, callÂing the Carter/Ford specÂtaÂcle “the most stuÂpid arrangeÂment of any debate in the hisÂtoÂry of debatÂing” and chalkÂing up techÂniÂcal difÂfiÂculÂties (watch them here) to the mediÂum ragÂing against the mesÂsage.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
NorÂman MailÂer & MarÂshall McLuhan Debate the ElecÂtronÂic Age
The VisionÂary Thought of MarÂshall McLuhan, IntroÂduced and DemysÂtiÂfied by Tom Wolfe
MarÂshall McLuhan’s 1969 Deck of Cards, Designed For Out-of-the-Box ThinkÂing
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