Sir Ian McKÂellen shows why he has been nomÂiÂnatÂed for an AcadÂeÂmy Award not once, but two times. The actor (Lord of the Rings, King Lear) reads a tire repair manÂuÂal in draÂmatÂic voice … and, of course, pulls it off — shades of Peter SellÂers perÂformÂing The BeaÂtÂles in ShakeÂspeareÂan mode and Richard DreyÂfuss givÂing a draÂmatÂic readÂing of the iTunes End-user license agreeÂment. And, oh, let us not forÂget ChristoÂpher Walken’s hilarÂiÂous readÂing of Lady Gaga’s PokÂer Face.
H/T @matthiasrascher
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Ian McKÂellen Stars in King Lear
Sir Ian McKÂellen Puts on a DazÂzling One-Man ShakeÂspeare Show
He has two AcadÂeÂmy Award NOMINATIONS. Not wins.
Sir Ian McKÂellen hasÂn’t won two AcadÂeÂmy Awards. Not even just one. He has been nomÂiÂnatÂed for two, though. But that’s irrelÂeÂvant: this video shows he’s a true and great actor through and through.
Erm…isn’t that “tyres” and “twice” not two times! Just saying…:-)Otherwise thank you, for postÂing this!
Thanks for this inforÂmaÂtion.