A mere twenÂty months after Joan DidÂion’s husÂband, John GreÂgoÂry Dunne, died of a heart attack, DidÂion’s only child, QuinÂtana Roo Dunne, conÂtractÂed pneuÂmoÂnia, lapsed into sepÂtic shock and passed away. She was only 39 years old. DidÂion grapÂpled with the first death in her 2005 bestÂseller, The Year of MagÂiÂcal ThinkÂing. Now, with her new memÂoir Blue Nights, she turns to her child’s passÂing, to a parÂenÂt’s worst fear realÂized. In this short film shot by her nephew, direcÂtor GrifÂfin Dunne, DidÂion reads from Blue Nights. The scene opens with memÂoÂries from her daughÂter’s wedÂding and ends with some big exisÂtenÂtial quesÂtions and the refrain, “When we talk about morÂtalÂiÂty we are talkÂing about our chilÂdren.”
This “audioÂbook for the eyes,” as GrifÂfin Dunne calls it, runs six plus minÂutes. The actuÂal Blue Nights audio book is now availÂable on AudiÂble.
A big thanks goes to @opedr for sendÂing the DidÂion clip our way…
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