When you write hisÂtoÂry, you’re always conÂfrontÂed with the quesÂtion: what facts and events will make it into your hisÂtorÂiÂcal account, and which ones will be left out? When it comes to this viral video proÂduced by DonoÂlinio StuÂdio, what makes the cut? Europe. AmerÂiÂca. Men. And a long list of downÂers: war, depraÂvaÂtion, natÂurÂal disÂasÂter, a‑bombs, social criÂsis, finanÂcial criÂsis, genoÂcide and assasÂsiÂnaÂtion, all set to a draÂmatÂic soundÂtrack by Hans ZimÂmer. What gets left out? AnyÂthing that seemÂingÂly makes life worth livÂing and, with some minor excepÂtions, human achieveÂment. And, yes, Africa and Latin AmerÂiÂca too — except for the first World Cup tourÂnaÂment played in Uruguay. (Note: we’re pretÂty sure that EngÂlish isn’t the first lanÂguage of the filmÂmakÂers. Hence the spelling errors in the capÂtions.)
SpeakÂing of human achieveÂment and hisÂtorÂiÂcal omisÂsions, we’d like to pay tribÂute to MarÂtin Luther King Jr. on his birthÂday by highÂlightÂing two of MLK’s memÂoÂrable speechÂes — his soarÂing “I Have a Dream” speech preÂsentÂed in August 1963, and then fast forÂward to his preÂscient “I’ve Been to the MounÂtainÂtop” speech, delivÂered just the day before he was assasÂsiÂnatÂed in April 1968.
To dig deepÂer into the past, don’t miss the hisÂtoÂry coursÂes (42 in total) in our colÂlecÂtion of 400 Free CoursÂes Online.
95% vioÂlence, 4.5% natÂurÂal disÂasÂters, .3% sports achieveÂment, and .2% ediÂfyÂing achieveÂment.
SorÂry to say this, but the next mass extincÂtion canÂnot come quickÂly enough.
Why so many spelling errors on titles in the video?
Hi Sarah,
GivÂen that the title used the GerÂman word for “minÂutes,” I am assumÂing that EngÂlish isn’t the first lanÂguage of whoÂevÂer made the clip.
This is a kick in the stomÂach. There must be more to the last 100 years than sheer aggresÂsion and natÂurÂal disÂasÂter, bareÂly speckÂled with sports medals and a fallÂen wall…
RealÂly? MonÂiÂca LewinÂsÂki is the only woman they could think of to porÂtray over the last hunÂdred years? She’s such a great female repÂreÂsesenÂtaÂtive and role modÂel. CouldÂn’t even find a place for MarÂgaret ThatchÂer? Or even Oprah? MonÂiÂca Lewinski…I am insultÂed.
ExcelÂlent preÂsenÂtaÂtion. Thanks. In my mind, most of these events have epic imporÂtance indiÂvidÂuÂalÂly, from the TsunaÂmi to OklaÂhoma City, to each of the Wars. Only in the case of ReaÂgan’s speech at Berlin did we see a great misÂsion accomÂplished by an act othÂer than agresÂsion. As a black man, I am struck by the omisÂsions of King and ManÂdelÂla or Chavez for that matÂter. It would add a minute or so, perÂhaps, to the footage, but what would our world be like withÂout the achieveÂments of each of them? As for a definÂing event for King and ManÂdelÂla: use the MontÂgomery Bus BoyÂcott and Mr. ManÂdelÂla’s release from 27 years of prison. Or just give us that phoÂto of MarÂtin and MalÂcolm togethÂer.
Awful and pesÂsimist. There are more imporÂtant and relÂeÂvant things that should be pointÂed, like comÂputÂer sciÂence and interÂnet, robots, social media, music, spreadÂing knoledge.
¬¬ By the way, is a well maked film.
these are facts, so we can’t deny, howÂevÂer, we had many posÂiÂtive achieveÂments, and i think it’s a shame to use only vioÂlence and wars as the refÂerÂence for the cenÂtuÂry…
What is the name of the music behind this preÂsenÂtaÂtion? It’s aweÂsome!