Robert DeNiro, Woody Allen and Others in the Post 9/11 “New York Miracle” TV Commercials

In the imme­di­ate after­math of the Sep­tem­ber 11, 2001 ter­ror­ist attacks, when New York and much of the world were still in a state of shock, a group of top-flight actors, direc­tors and oth­er cre­ative work­ers donat­ed their time and tal­ents for a spe­cial project to lure tourists back to the Big Apple. The “New York Mir­a­cle” ads were unveiled only two months after the tragedy, and fea­tured stars like Robert DeNiro, Woody Allen, Ben Stiller and Bil­ly Crys­tal. The com­mer­cials were as much a boost to the city’s morale as they were an invi­ta­tion to tourists. At the end of each seg­ment, May­or Rudy Giu­liani intones: “The New York Mir­a­cle. Be a part of it.”

The video above offers a look back at all nine ads. They appear in the fol­low­ing order:

  1. “Deli,” star­ring Ben Stiller and Kevin Bacon.
  2. “Turkey,” star­ring Robert DeNiro and Bil­ly Crys­tal; direct­ed by Bar­ry Levin­son.
  3. “The­atre,” star­ring Bar­bara Wal­ters; direct­ed by Bryan Buck­ley.
  4. “Skat­ing,” star­ring Woody Allen; direct­ed by Joe Pyt­ka.
  5. “Yan­kee Sta­di­um,” star­ring Hen­ry Kissinger; direct­ed by Joe Pyt­ka.
  6. “Phil­har­mon­ic,” star­ring Yogi Berra; direct­ed by Joe Pyt­ka.
  7. “New York Giants Kick­er,” star­ring Vanes­sa Williams.
  8. “Marathon,” star­ring Al Roker.
  9. “San­ta,” star­ring Christo­pher Walken.

via @webacion

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