When the 2012 AcadÂeÂmy Award nomÂiÂnaÂtions were announced yesÂterÂday, there must have been plenÂty of smiles at the NationÂal Film Board of CanaÂda. For the eighth time, the CanaÂdiÂan film producer/distributor scored a douÂble nomÂiÂnaÂtion in the same catÂeÂgoÂry. In this case, SunÂday by Patrick DoyÂon, and Wild Life by AmanÂda ForÂbis and Wendy TilÂby, were selectÂed as finalÂists for Best AniÂmatÂed Short Film.
Thanks to the NFB, you can watch SunÂday (above) and Wild Life (below) online for a limÂitÂed time, along with the NFB’s nine Oscar-winÂning films. The film provider also makes hunÂdreds of free movies availÂable via the web and the iPad — someÂthing to keep in mind for a good rainy day.
More great films can be found in our colÂlecÂtion of 450 Free Movies Online.
HavÂing watched both aniÂmatÂed nomÂiÂnees I have reached the conÂcluÂsion that just because you CAN make a movie doesÂn’t mean you should.
Agree with allie.
Thank you for postÂing these, howÂevÂer nothÂing struck me with the stoÂries in both of these aniÂmaÂtions, very bland.
StoÂry? You want a stoÂry?
You should more like feel, not “read” these two.