Last week, Google hosted a gathering called “Solve for X,” which brought together entrepreneurs, innovators and scientists interested in finding technological solutions to the world’s greatest problems. These solutions weren’t small in scope. No, they were all “moonshots,” ideas that live in the “gray area between audacious projects and pure science fiction; they are 10x improvement, not 10%.” And these moonshot ideas were all presented in TED-style talks that now live on the WeSolveForX website and the WeSolveforX YouTube Channel.
Eric Schmidt and Sergey Brin kicked off the event and framed the project, paving the way for Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the MIT Media Lab and One Laptop Per Child, to dream big and ask: Can emerging technologies empower children to learn to read on their own? Imagine how that would change the educational problems besetting the developing world? (Watch above.) Or how about this big thought from Adrien Treuille, assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon, who imagines a day when knowledge creation won’t be driven by universities and corporations, but rather by loose groups of individuals taking advantage of the internet and big data. That talk appears right below.
Incredible concepts!