In a world of accelÂerÂatÂing obsoÂlesÂcence, of plasÂtic prodÂucts and digÂiÂtal inforÂmaÂtion, a few old-school craftsÂman are still hangÂing on. But they’re getÂting hardÂer and hardÂer to find. In this pair of short films we meet a few craftsÂmen on both sides of the Atlantic who are stubÂbornÂly perÂsistÂing while the world changes around them. Above is Ink & Paper by Ben ProudÂfoot, a stuÂdent at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of SouthÂern CalÂiÂforÂnia School of CinÂeÂmatÂic Arts. It tells the stoÂry of the men who run the last surÂvivÂing letÂterÂpress printÂing comÂpaÂny in downÂtown Los AngeÂles, and the oldÂest paper comÂpaÂny. Below is Le Mer de Pianos (The Sea of Pianos) by Tom WrigÂglesworth and MathÂieu CuveÂliÂer, about the man who has spent 28 years (the last 15 as ownÂer) runÂning the oldÂest piano repair shop in Paris.
What a wonÂderÂful video. Being an art director/graphic designÂer of the “old school,” this brings back a lot of memÂoÂries. I hope these two genÂtleÂmen can surÂvive in this fast paced world.