Hats off to the GodÂdard Space Flight CenÂter SciÂenÂtifÂic VisuÂalÂizaÂtion StuÂdio, which proÂduced this three minute aniÂmaÂtion called PerÂpetÂuÂal Ocean. The visuÂalÂizaÂtion shows ocean curÂrents as they swirled around between June 2005 and DecemÂber 2007, and it was all proÂduced with a comÂpuÂtaÂtionÂal modÂel called ECCO2. ECCO2 attempts to modÂel the cirÂcuÂlaÂtion and cliÂmate of the ocean, helpÂing sciÂenÂtists to underÂstand how the ocean will conÂtribute to future cliÂmate change. It’s some heady sciÂence that also yields some visuÂalÂly impresÂsive aniÂmaÂtions.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
GlobÂal WarmÂing: A Free Course from UChicaÂgo Explains CliÂmate Change
beauÂtiÂful aniÂmaÂtion!
but where is Europe?
Also, i live in the Canaries, where we enjoy a fabÂuÂlous weathÂer and incredÂiÂbly rich floÂra and fauÂna thanks to the Gulf Stream.
I was eager to see it comÂing all the way from MexÂiÂco, BUT half-way the aniÂmaÂtion heads South in the conÂtours of Africa leavÂing us ‑and this impresÂsive Stream- behind :(
what visuÂal and enerÂgetic splenÂdor so readÂiÂly disÂplayed by the waters, our life,the blood of the planÂets body.