A Child’s Introduction to Jazz by Cannonball Adderley (with Louis Armstrong & Thelonious Monk)

In 1961, Julian “Can­non­ball” Adder­ley, the jazz sax­o­phon­ist best known for his work on Miles Davis’ epic album Kind of Blue, nar­rat­ed a chil­dren’s intro­duc­tion to jazz music. Part of a larg­er series of edu­ca­tion­al albums for chil­dren, this 12-inch LP offered an “easy-going, con­ver­sa­tion­al dis­cus­sion of the high­lights of the jazz sto­ry,” high­light­ing the “major styles and great per­form­ers” that began in New Orleans and spread beyond. Includ­ed on the album are some leg­endary jazz fig­ures — Louis Arm­strong, Fats Waller, Jel­ly Roll Mor­ton, Duke Elling­ton, Cole­man Hawkins, Sid­ney Bechet, Thelo­nious Monk, and, of course, Can­non­ball him­self. The album, A Child’s Intro­duc­tion to Jazz, has long been out of cir­cu­la­tion. But you can catch it on YouTube, or above.

Thanks to James for telling us about this album on our Face­book page. Feel free to mes­sage us good ideas for posts at Face­book or cc: us on Twit­ter (cc: @openculture). And then there’s always old-fash­ioned email.

Relat­ed Con­tent: 

Thelo­nious Monk, Bill Evans and More on the Clas­sic Jazz 625 Show

1959: The Year that Changed Jazz

The Uni­ver­sal Mind of Bill Evans: Advice on Learn­ing to Play Jazz & The Cre­ative Process

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