Fight For Your Right Revisited: Adam Yauch’s 2011 Film Commemorates the Beastie Boys’ Legendary Music Video

By now you’ve heard the news. Beast­ie Boys co-founder Adam Yauch has died at the age of 47. The cause, sali­vary can­cer. The Beast­ie Boys broke onto the nation­al scene in 1986, with the release of Licensed to Ill, which became the best-sell­ing rap album of the 1980s and the first hip hop LP to top the Bill­board chart. Either then or some time since, you’ve like­ly heard their best known song from the album — (You Got­ta) Fight for Your Right (To Par­ty!).

The orig­i­nal music video for the song (below) became some­thing of an MTV main­stay and played on themes from George A. Romero’s zom­bie movie Dawn of the Dead. 25 years lat­er, Adam Yauch pro­duced Fight For Your Right Revis­it­ed, a 30 minute sur­re­al film that picks up where the orig­i­nal video left off. It stars Eli­jah Wood, Dan­ny McBride and Seth Rogen. You can watch it above in full. It’s also added to our meta col­lec­tion, 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great Clas­sics, Indies, Noir, West­erns, Doc­u­men­taries & More.


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