Neil Gaiman, conÂsidÂered one of the top ten livÂing post-modÂern writÂers, nevÂer went to colÂlege. He neiÂther startÂed nor finÂished his advanced studÂies, but rather put himÂself into the world and startÂed writÂing. And write he did. He’s now the New York Times bestÂselling author of the novÂels NevÂerÂwhere, StarÂdust, and AmerÂiÂcan Gods, among othÂers, and he’s also the winÂner of the 2009 NewÂbery Medal and 2010 Carnegie Medal in LitÂerÂaÂture. (We have gathÂered free verÂsions of Gaiman’s writÂing in audio & text here.) This weekÂend, Gaiman spoke at The UniÂverÂsiÂty of the Arts in PhiladelÂphia and told the gradÂuÂatÂing class all the things he wish he knew at their age. The talk runs 19 minÂutes. The disÂtilled verÂsion appears below.
- Embrace the fact that you’re young. Accept that you don’t know what you’re doing. And don’t lisÂten to anyÂone who says there are rules and limÂits.
- If you know your callÂing, go there. Stay on track. Keep movÂing towards it, even if the process takes time and requires sacÂriÂfice.
- Learn to accept failÂure. Know that things will go wrong. Then, when things go right, you’ll probÂaÂbly feel like a fraud. It’s norÂmal.
- Make misÂtakes, gloÂriÂous and fanÂtasÂtic ones. It means that you’re out there doing and tryÂing things.
- When life gets hard, as it inevitably will, make good art. Just make good art.
- Make your own art, meanÂing the art that reflects your indiÂvidÂuÂalÂiÂty and perÂsonÂal vision.
- Now a pracÂtiÂcal tip. You get freeÂlance work if your work is good, if you’re easy to get along with, and if you’re on deadÂline. ActuÂalÂly you don’t need all three. Just two.
- Enjoy the ride, don’t fret the whole way. Stephen King gave that piece of advice to Neil years ago.
- Be wise and accomÂplish things in your career. If you have probÂlems getÂting startÂed, preÂtend you’re someÂone who is wise, who can get things done. It will help you along.
- Leave the world more interÂestÂing than it was before.
via MetafilÂter
What is a post-modÂern writer and how is Gaiman one?
Also, who are the othÂer 9 top-ten livÂing post-modÂern writÂers and where can one find this clearÂly definÂiÂtive list?
Gaiman is listÂed in the DicÂtioÂnary of LitÂerÂary BiogÂraÂphy as one of the top ten livÂing post-modÂern writÂers
Wikipedia is hardÂly my favorite source for accuÂrate inforÂmaÂtion, but this artiÂcle might help.
Google is your friend.
RealÂly amazÂing tips keep it up :)