The Bill Evans Trio in London, 1965: Two Sets by the Legendary Combo

On March 19, 1965, the Bill Evans Trio stopped by the BBC stu­dios in Lon­don to play a pair of sets on Jazz 625, the now-leg­endary pro­gram host­ed by the British trum­peter Humphrey Lyt­tel­ton. The combo–which fea­tured Evans on piano, Chuck Israels on bass and Lar­ry Bunker on drums–played two sets, includ­ing most of the songs from their just-com­plet­ed album, Trio ’65. The two 35-minute pro­grams (shown con­sec­u­tive­ly in the video above) take us back in time to see and hear one of the most bril­liant and influ­en­tial jazz pianists of all time, at work in a tight­ly inte­grat­ed trio.

Set One:

  1. “Five,” by Bill Evans
  2. “Elsa,” by Earl Zin­dars
  3. “Sum­mer­time,” by George Gersh­win
  4. “Come Rain or Come Shine,” by Harold Arlen
  5. “My Fool­ish Heart,” by Vic­tor Young
  6. “Re: Per­son I Knew,” by Bill Evans
  7. “Israel,” by John­ny Carisi
  8. “Five,” by Bill Evans (reprise)

Set Two:

  1. “Five,” by Bill Evans
  2. “How My Heart Sings,” by Earl Zin­dars
  3. “Nardis,” by Miles Davis
  4. “Who Can I Turn To?” by Antho­ny New­ley and Leslie Bricusse
  5. “Some­day My Prince Will Come,” by Frank Churchill
  6. “How Deep is the Ocean?” by Bill Evans
  7. “Five,” by Bill Evans (reprise)

Relat­ed con­tent:

The Uni­ver­sal Mind of Bill Evans: Advice on Learn­ing to Play Jazz

Thelo­nious Monk, Bill Evans and More on the Clas­sic Jazz 625 Show

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