Willie Nelson Sings Pearl Jam’s “Just Breathe” (And We’re Taking a Deep Breath Too)

Usu­al­ly the young cov­er songs by the old. But these days, it’s often the oth­er way around. Per­haps you remem­ber John­ny Cash cov­er­ing U2’s song “One.” Now, we have the great Willie Nel­son singing a ver­sion of Pearl Jam’s “Just Breathe” with his sons Lukas and Mic­ah. The tune also hap­pens to appear on his new album Heroes.

“Just Breathe” isn’t a zen com­mand­ment, at least that’s not what Pearl Jam meant by the phrase here. But “Just Breathe” has been our mantra dur­ing the past two days as we’ve expe­ri­enced some down­right hideous host­ing prob­lems. Hope­ful­ly things are now sta­ble, and, with a lit­tle luck, we’ll be in a much bet­ter posi­tion to recov­er in the future. We real­ly appre­ci­ate your patience and sup­port dur­ing this bad hic­cup. H/T @webacion

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