Nora Ephron’s Lists: “What I Will Miss” and “What I Won’t Miss”

By now, you’ve almost cer­tain­ly heard that Nora Ephron, the screen­writer best known for “Sleep­less in Seat­tle” and “When Har­ry Met Sal­ly,” died yes­ter­day in Man­hat­tan. She was 71. Her bout with leukemia appar­ent­ly was­n’t wide­ly known, but dis­cern­ing read­ers of her 2010 book, I Remem­ber Noth­ing, could have sensed some­thing was wrong. The book clos­es with two lists, each reveal­ing on a cou­ple of lev­els.

What I Will Miss

My kids · Nick · Spring · Fall · Waf­fles · The con­cept of waf­fles · Bacon · A walk in the park · The idea of a walk in the park · The park · Shake­speare in the Park · The bed · Read­ing in bed · Fire­works · Laughs · The view out the win­dow · Twin­kle lights · But­ter · Din­ner at home just the two of us · Din­ner with friends · Din­ner with friends in cities where none of us lives · Paris · Next year in Istan­bul · Pride and Prej­u­dice · The Christ­mas tree · Thanks­giv­ing din­ner · One for the table · The dog­wood · Tak­ing a bath · Com­ing over the bridge to Man­hat­tan · Pie

What I Won’t Miss

Dry skin · Bad din­ners like the one we went to last night · E‑mail · Tech­nol­o­gy in gen­er­al · My clos­et · Wash­ing my hair · Bras · Funer­als · Ill­ness every­where · Polls that show that 32 per­cent of the Amer­i­can peo­ple believe in cre­ation­ism · Polls · Fox · The col­lapse of the dol­lar · Joe Lieber­man · Clarence Thomas · Bar mitz­vahs · Mam­mo­grams · Dead flow­ers · The sound of the vac­u­um clean­er · Bills · E‑mail. I know I already said it, but I want to empha­size it. · Small print · Pan­els on Women in Film · Tak­ing off make­up every night

via Showbiz411

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  • Trish says:

    re: “Pan­els on Women in Film”

    What? Not some kind of bizarre drapes or cur­tains meets cloth­ing that women are made to wear in film? An odd fash­ion tan­gent in the list.

    Oh — Pan­els on “Women in Film”

    The aca­d­e­m­ic and pseu­do-aca­d­e­m­ic type pan­els- “Women in Sci­ence” “Slut Walk” “Women in Tech” etc-ecch.

  • Trish says:

    ..RIP Nora Ephron

    A fun­ny, great, smart woman who cre­at­ed the same in her women char­ac­ters.

    A tremen­dous loss.

  • Page Larkin says:

    All hail, Nora Ephron, Queen of Com­e­dy — she is missed — and thanks, Open Cul­ture, for post­ing her mus­ings. Love them!

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