The 1939 World Series wasÂn’t much of a conÂtest. The YanÂkees, led by Joltin’ Joe DiMagÂgio in cenÂter field, had won the last three chamÂpiÂonships. And they won this conÂtest rather easÂiÂly too, sweepÂing the CincinÂnati Reds in four straight games. YesÂterÂday, memÂbers of the RedÂdit comÂmuÂniÂty unearthed some rare colÂor footage of the ’39 Series. In it, we catch glimpses of the Old YanÂkee StaÂdiÂum, the actuÂal House That Ruth Built; pitchÂers doing a difÂferÂent kind of windup; and a reminder that you could once buy five razors for 25 cents. Find more inforÂmaÂtion on those at the InterÂnet MuseÂum of SafeÂty Razors.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
PrinceÂton v. Yale, 1903: The OldÂest ColÂlege FootÂball Game on Film
Lou Gehrig, YanÂkee LegÂend, Stars in 1938 WestÂern Rawhide
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