Jon Hamm and Lena Dunham Unveil The New Yorker’s New iPhone App

In 2010, when The New York­er released its iPad app, Jason Schwartz­man made the com­ic pitch. Now comes the new iPhone app, and it’s Jon Hamm (Mad Men) and Lena Dun­ham (Tiny Fur­ni­ture film­mak­er and Girls cre­ator) doing the hon­ors. As The New York­er will tell you, the new app has “every sto­ry, every car­toon, every em dash, every illus­tra­tion” found in the mag­a­zine, plus extra audio and video fea­tures. Any­one with an iPhone can down­load this week’s issue for free. In the future, read­ers sub­scrib­ing to the mag­a­zine in print, iPad, and Kin­dle Fire for­mats will receive full access to the mobile app. Android users, don’t despair. It looks like the mag­a­zine will take care of your dig­i­tal needs down the line.…

Relat­ed Con­tent:

The New Yorker’s Fic­tion Pod­cast: Where Great Writ­ers Read Sto­ries by Great Writ­ers

Rare 1960s Audio: Stan­ley Kubrick’s Inter­view with The New York­er

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