Russian Punk Band, Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for Deriding Putin, Releases New Single

Yes­ter­day was­n’t par­tic­u­lar­ly a good day for the free­dom of expres­sion in Rus­sia. On the same day that a top court banned gay pride march­es in Moscow for the next 100 years, three young mem­bers of the punk band Pussy Riot were sen­tenced to two years in a penal colony. Their crime?  Stag­ing an anti Putin protest on the altar of the Cathe­dral of Christ the Sav­ior in Moscow. Protests sup­port­ing Pussy Riot were held in 60 cities world­wide (includ­ing one in the cap­i­tal where chess cham­pi­on Gar­ry Kas­parov was beat­en by police); West­ern gov­ern­ments called the sen­tence dis­pro­por­tion­ate; and already the band has released a new sin­gle called “Putin Lights Up the Fires.” The Guardian has cre­at­ed an accom­pa­ny­ing video. Watch it above.…

via Boing­Bo­ing

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  • Darrin says:

    Does free expres­sion include danc­ing on the altar of a church that does­n’t belong to you? If this hap­pened in the US in a syn­a­gogue or in a mosque, do you think it would go unpun­ished?

  • Michele says:

    Dar­rin — I admit, I don’t know the details of this case, and it would real­ly help if we had a trans­la­tion of this song. As to what you wrote, not belong­ing to a church isn’t the issue. Did they break and enter? Well, not like­ly, giv­en old church doors, so I’m guess­ing the doors were open, as many of our church­es are here? They cer­tain­ly caused a dis­tur­bance. And they were dis­re­spect­ful, which is what punk rock is about. We don’t jail peo­ple for dis­re­spect. Two years impris­on­ment does­n’t sur­prise me; it’s a new gov­ern­ment in Rus­sia, but it’s the same old tune.

  • Dmytro says:

    I sup­port Pussy Riot. Let’s face it- the Russ­ian Ortho­dox Church is any­thing but godly…Patriarch Kir­il is in bed with Putin. If one looks close­ly at their actions, it’s easy to see the neo-impe­ri­al­ism that they are extend­ing into the for­mer Sovi­et states, like Ukraine. This, and the gen­er­al­ly anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic ten­den­cies of the Putin regime, are the main basis for them protest­ing in a Church. I doubt that protest­ing in a Church would go well with the pub­lic any­where, but their ratio­nale for it (claim­ing that the ROC is ungod­ly any­way) is good analy­sis and a very inter­est­ing media attrac­tion. They made their point and God bless them for it.

  • FPR says:

    Their act would­n’t go unpun­ished in the Unit­ed States, but the pun­ish­ment would be some­thing more along the lines of 30 hours com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice.

  • Church­es do keep their doors open and wel­come unknown vis­i­tors, like it is also usu­al in many oth­er reli­gions). Would that be an excuse for behav­ing dis­re­spect­ful­ly?

    In most West­ern soci­eties peo­ple indeed is not jailed for dis­re­spect (although there are so many dif­fer­ent forms of dis­re­spect, so many gra­da­tions of democ­ra­cy and many oth­er indi­rect ways of pun­ish­ment). This free­dom has been con­sid­ered by many as a strength and a weak­ness.

  • tom says:

    2 years for some­thing like this is redic­u­ous. But what is worse is the under­lin­ing issue that they HAD to resort to such extrem­ism to get atten­tion. I hard­ly think that this is the same thing as it would be in Amer­i­ca since there isn’t the same sort of oppres­sion.

    That jail sen­tence is the fuck­ing anti human­i­tar­i­an­ism that plagues peo­ple. It’s always top down too, nev­er (in non-3rd world coun­tries) from the bot­tom up. There is no jus­tice in these cor­po­rate influ­enced jus­tice. I guess I’ll stop rag­ing and go back to brood­ing with some Chom­sky book.

  • stephen says:

    @darin… to answer your ques­tion: pos­si­bly (which is unfor­tu­nate if the US is tru­ly com­mit­ted to free­dom of speech). the issue, though, and the mes­sage that the US and oth­er nations are send­ing to Putin, is that the pun­ish­ment is “dis­pro­por­tion­ate.”

  • Florin Cosma says:

    They defiled holy ground and humil­i­at­ed all beiev­ers on this plan­et as well as athe­ists who respect the right to believe for oth­ers. Two years is a good jail term, in my opin­ion these girls also deserve psy­chi­atric treat­ment.

  • Blackie St. James says:

    The Good Book says, “Make a joy­ful noise unto the Lord”.

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