Last summer, Samuel L. Jackson delighted listeners when he narrated the audio version of Adam Mansbach’s twisted little children’s bedtime story, Go the F**k to Sleep. Now, Jackson returns with Wake the F**ck Up for Obama. According to the New York Post (if they say it, it must be true!), Mansbach wrote the Dr. Seussian script for the political ad. And it was apparently funded by the Jewish Council for Research and Education, a liberal super PAC funded by George Soros’ 25-year-old son. Until today, I thought that Citizens United, the SCOTUS decision that unleashed a torrent of Super PAC ads on our airwaves, did more to undermine American democracy than any foreign threat. But when the video hit the 2:44 mark, you start to have your doubts.
via Galley Cat
Good God. What an idiot