With Or Without U: Promoting a Scrabble Book to the Tune of U2

David Buk­sz­pan’s new book for Scrab­ble afi­ciona­dos is out — Is That a Word? From AA to ZZZ, the Weird and Won­der­ful Lan­guage of SCRABBLE®. And, when it comes to pro­mot­ing the book, Buk­sz­pan and his pub­lish­ers aren’t cut­ting cor­ners. In the book trail­er above, we find the author chan­nel­ing the young Bono — the Bono who came into star­dom in 1987’s wide­ly-played video for “With or With Out You” (below). Watch­ing the two clips togeth­er, you’ll see that the aes­thet­ic remains entire­ly the same. But the “You” in “With or With­out You” takes on a new mean­ing. H/T Gal­l­ey­Cat

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  • Bill Had­er did a great job.

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