Listen: Beck Reworks 20 Philip Glass Compositions Into a 20 Minute Song, ‘NYC: 73–78’

Lat­er this month — Octo­ber 23rd to be pre­cise — the singer-song­writer Beck and fel­low musi­cians will cel­e­brate Philip Glass’ 75th birth­day with the release of Rework: Philip Glass Remixed. The album will be streamed online in its entire­ty on NPR’s First Lis­tens site start­ing next Mon­day.

But you can already catch Beck­’s con­tri­bu­tion to the release. It’s noth­ing oth­er than 20 Philip Glass com­po­si­tions remixed into a 20 minute track, and it’s called ‘NYC: 73–78’. Catch it on NPR’s site or lis­ten below.

If the whole idea of Glass turn­ing 75 makes you feel nos­tal­gic, and if you want to revis­it some vin­tage mate­r­i­al, don’t miss two old chest­nuts: Philip Glass Com­pos­es for Sesame Street (1979) and Philip Glass, Seen and Heard Through the Cin­e­mat­ic Mind of Peter Green­away (1983).


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