After a 125-day stay aboard the InterÂnaÂtionÂal Space StaÂtion, ISS ComÂmanÂder SuniÂta (Suni) Williams touched down in KazaÂkhstan on MonÂday, along with Flight EngiÂneers Aki Hoshide and Yuri Malanchenko. Part of what is known as ExpeÂdiÂtion 33, the three boardÂed their Soyuz TMA-05M on SunÂday to return to Earth, but before they left, Williams downÂlinked an extenÂsive tour above of the ISS orbital labÂoÂraÂtoÂry. Williams has givÂen sevÂerÂal interÂviews from her ISS post, so you may have already seen her floatÂing weightÂless in front of the camÂera, a nimÂbus of dark hair around her face.
Here we see a numÂber of interÂestÂing feaÂtures of the staÂtion. She begins with the JapanÂese labÂoÂraÂtoÂry, then moves to the EuroÂpean modÂule, “ColumÂbus,” where many of the medÂical experÂiÂments take place. InterÂestÂingÂly, every surÂface is a suitÂable workÂstaÂtion; since there’s no refÂerÂence for floor, walls, or ceilÂing, and no need for anyÂthing to stand on, one can maneuÂver into any posiÂtion withÂout losÂing a sense of direcÂtion. As Williams demonÂstrates the “sleep staÂtions,” phone booth-size comÂpartÂments with sleepÂing bags, she shows how the astroÂnauts can also sleep in any posiÂtion at all withÂout feelÂing like they’re “upside-down” or disÂoriÂentÂed in any way. There’s also a lengthy tour of the “facilÂiÂties” (in case you’ve ever wonÂdered how that works) and the “cupoÂla,” a small transÂparÂent room like a WWII gunÂnery staÂtion where the astroÂnauts can gaze out at their home planÂet.
So, yes, I will admit, I’ve always liked to imagÂine the inteÂriÂor of the ISS like the smooth, padded corÂriÂdors of StanÂley Kubrick’s 2001, but the realÂiÂty is still seriÂousÂly cool. The WashÂingÂton Post has a slideshow of ExpeÂdiÂtion 33’s touchÂdown near the town of ArkaÂlyk in northÂern KazaÂkhstan, and the video below shows the small cerÂeÂmoÂny that greetÂed the crew hours after their arrival back on Earth.
via UniÂverse Today
Josh Jones is a docÂtorÂal canÂdiÂdate in EngÂlish at FordÂham UniÂverÂsiÂty and a co-founder and forÂmer manÂagÂing ediÂtor of GuerÂniÂca / A MagÂaÂzine of Arts and PolÂiÂtics.
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