Confirmed: The Bones of Richard III (1452–1485) Found Under a UK Parking Lot

richard iii take 2Last Sep­tem­ber, British archae­ol­o­gists made a pret­ty star­tling dis­cov­ery. They found, they believed, the bones of Richard III (1452–1485) in a makeshift grave under a park­ing lot in the city of Leices­ter. It sound­ed like a pret­ty igno­min­ious but karmi­cal­ly jus­ti­fied rest­ing place for the tyran­ni­cal medieval king por­trayed so famous­ly by William Shake­speare.

From the begin­ning, the archae­ol­o­gists were con­vinced that the skele­tal remains belonged to Richard (check out the pho­to gallery of the bones), but they still need­ed irrefutable proof. So they took DNA sam­ples and matched them to DNA belong­ing to Richard’s liv­ing descen­dants. They await­ed the results, and today Richard Buck­ley, the lead archae­ol­o­gist, told reporters, “Beyond rea­son­able doubt, the indi­vid­ual exhumed … is indeed Richard III, the last Plan­ta­genet king of Eng­land.” You can get more on the sto­ry over at The Guardian and The New York Times.

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  • Debrakuhar says:

    I am a descen­dant .. It is tru­ly amaz­ing!!

  • I have been col­lab­o­rat­ing on exten­sive Ances­try research, with oth­er (new and old found) Rel­a­tives, through, Face­book etc.
    And the first thing that struck me, is.… that they got dna from Ibsen sur­prised me a bit, as Richard Buck­ley, the lead archae­ol­o­gist, is most like­ly also, direct­ly relat­ed to the Plan­ta­genet Kings, as I am. Buck­ley is also in those lines. He should check that out! ;-)

  • Dear Open­Cul­ture,

    Thank you for putting the very interesing pic­ture online for us to enjoy. I work for an Oxford Col­lege called Cor­pus Christi Col­lege. I would very much like to use your above image of Richard III on our closed Face­book page to show our 300 mem­bers. Please may I for­mal­ly request per­mis­sion to use the above image, which we will not use in any oth­er way apart from in this man­ner.

    Thank you in advance for your assis­tance.


    John Gar­diner
    Devel­op­ment Offi­cer
    Cor­pus Christi Col­lege, Oxford

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