“ForÂeign WinÂdow” and “One Irish Rover”:
On a sumÂmer day in 1989, Van MorÂriÂson and Bob Dylan met up in Greece and brought their acoustic guiÂtars to the place in Athens where the ancients believed the musÂes lived. PhilopapÂpos Hill, traÂdiÂtionÂalÂly known as the Hill of the MusÂes, risÂes high above the Athens Basin and has a comÂmandÂing view of the AcropÂoÂlis. It was June 29. Dylan had just wrapped up a EuroÂpean tour the night before at PanathiÂnaiko StaÂdiÂum, and MorÂriÂson was travÂelÂing with a BBC crew for an AreÂna docÂuÂmenÂtary that would be broadÂcast in 1991 as One Irish Rover: Van MorÂriÂson in PerÂforÂmances. The two legÂendary singer-songÂwritÂers played sevÂerÂal of MorÂrison’s songs: “ForÂeign WinÂdow” and “One Irish Rover,” above, and “Crazy Love,” below. A fourth song, “And It Stoned Me,” was apparÂentÂly cut from the film.
“Crazy Love”:
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The WonÂdrous Night When Glen Hansard Met Van MorÂriÂson
Bob Dylan and The GrateÂful Dead Rehearse TogethÂer in SumÂmer 1987. LisÂten to 74 Tracks.
Two LegÂends TogethÂer: A Young Bob Dylan Talks and Plays on The Studs Terkel ProÂgram, 1963
Bob Dylan was the greatÂest! 74 tracks is a lot of music! He was pasÂsionÂate about music and he worked very hard though!
Thanks for postÂing this!!!
Wow! Just great! Thanks!
RealÂmente me encanÂta open culÂture, y la dupla de Dylan and MorÂriÂson es estuÂpenÂda
They are the best.
They don’t make them like they used to! :)
Give me Bob Dylan & Van the Man 4get about the rest.
This wonÂderÂful scene, even though smallÂer in scale, is up there with HenÂdrix and Star SpanÂgled BanÂner, methinks.
SimÂply majesÂtic…
2 legÂends and there acoustic guiÂtars.. It doesÂn’t get much betÂter than that
Bob is one of the most giftÂed artist there is,to down right posÂiÂtiveÂly fourth street down to slow train comÂing! he is still going strong, and does NOT even gasp for air in the greatÂest harÂmonÂiÂca tunes !!!
Two ugly, irreverÂant souls who can’t sing.… The most brilÂliant music and poetÂry ever.
NevÂer saw the face b4 and saw a regÂuÂlar human man. Did not know that he was real. God Bless you Van MorÂriÂson. Com on , give us anothÂer tune.
The first tune I played this mornÂing. I think I could start each day with some great music like this.
A comÂment. Total
Van the Man, Bob the WiseÂman.
Bob Dylan just postÂed this 1998 duo with Van on FaceÂbook
Bless you. This is unparÂalÂleled.
Thank you.….that was great!