Bob Dylan and Van Morrison Sing Together in Athens, on Historic Hill Overlooking the Acropolis

“For­eign Win­dow” and “One Irish Rover”:

On a sum­mer day in 1989, Van Mor­ri­son and Bob Dylan met up in Greece and brought their acoustic gui­tars to the place in Athens where the ancients believed the mus­es lived. Philopap­pos Hill, tra­di­tion­al­ly known as the Hill of the Mus­es, ris­es high above the Athens Basin and has a com­mand­ing view of the Acrop­o­lis. It was June 29. Dylan had just wrapped up a Euro­pean tour the night before at Panathi­naiko Sta­di­um, and Mor­ri­son was trav­el­ing with a BBC crew for an Are­na doc­u­men­tary that would be broad­cast in 1991 as One Irish Rover: Van Mor­ri­son in Per­for­mances. The two leg­endary singer-song­writ­ers played sev­er­al of Mor­rison’s songs: “For­eign Win­dow” and “One Irish Rover,” above, and “Crazy Love,” below. A fourth song, “And It Stoned Me,” was appar­ent­ly cut from the film.

“Crazy Love”:

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Won­drous Night When Glen Hansard Met Van Mor­ri­son

Bob Dylan and The Grate­ful Dead Rehearse Togeth­er in Sum­mer 1987. Lis­ten to 74 Tracks.

Two Leg­ends Togeth­er: A Young Bob Dylan Talks and Plays on The Studs Terkel Pro­gram, 1963

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