This week, the Supreme Court is hearÂing arguÂments about gay rights in AmerÂiÂca. And, no matÂter how the court decides, these casÂes will enter the hisÂtoÂry books. Will the court lead the nation in makÂing equalÂiÂty availÂable for all, as it did durÂing the civÂil rights era? Or will the nation be forced to lead the court into moderÂniÂty durÂing the years ahead? That we will soon find out.
UsuÂalÂly the court delays the release of audio recordÂings of oral arguÂments. But, acknowlÂedgÂing the imporÂtance of these parÂticÂuÂlar casÂes, SCOTUS is makÂing this week’s arguÂments immeÂdiÂateÂly availÂable. You can lisÂten to the debates over Prop. 8 here or below. DOMA arguÂments will appear here. And it’s also now below.
Prop 8
Isn’t the approÂpriÂate quesÂtion regardÂing these two pieces of legÂisÂlaÂtion: Will the Supreme Court find them to vioÂlate the ConÂstiÂtuÂtion? It is sureÂly not the busiÂness of nine unelectÂed JusÂtices to “lead the nation”.