“HavÂing othÂers’ poems in our minds and hearts means we’re nevÂer realÂly alone.”
—Karen Kovacik, IndiÂana State Poet LauÂreÂate
Youssef Biaz, recitÂing here, was 16 years old when he was named PoetÂry Out Loud NationÂal ChamÂpiÂon. Biaz won a $20,000 award and $500 worth of poetÂry books for his high school in Auburn, AlabaÂma. He went on to recite poetÂry at the White House along with Rita Dove, ComÂmon, and BilÂly Collins. His favorite poet, Sharon Olds, just won the Pulitzer Prize for PoetÂry.
This past weekÂend, kids across the counÂtry packed their bags and headÂed to WashÂingÂton, DC, to recite poetÂry in the eighth conÂsecÂuÂtive year of the nationÂal comÂpeÂtiÂtion, PoetÂry Out Loud. The recitaÂtion comÂpeÂtiÂtion, preÂsentÂed by the PoetÂry FounÂdaÂtion and the NationÂal EndowÂment for the Arts, brings fifty-three AmerÂiÂcan high school stuÂdents to the nation’s capÂiÂtal to comÂpete for the title of 2013 PoetÂry Out Loud NationÂal ChamÂpiÂon. It will culÂmiÂnate tonight in an evening of recitaÂtion comÂpeÂtiÂtion at 7pm EDT.
If you can’t make it to DC for the free event this year, which feaÂtures host Anna DeaÂvere Smith and singer-celÂlist Ben Sollee, view the live webÂcast of PoetÂry Out Loud, or host a viewÂing parÂty and bid a celÂeÂbraÂtoÂry adieu to NationÂal PoetÂry Month.
Kristin Gecan is the media assoÂciate at the PoetÂry FounÂdaÂtion, which is the pubÂlishÂer of PoetÂry magÂaÂzine and an indeÂpenÂdent litÂerÂary orgaÂniÂzaÂtion comÂmitÂted to a vigÂorÂous presÂence for poetÂry in our culÂture. The site also feaÂtures an archive of more than 10,000 poems. FolÂlow the PoetÂry FounÂdaÂtion on TwitÂter, TumÂblr, FaceÂbook, or PinÂterÂest.
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