An Animated Visualization of Every Observed Meteorite That Has Hit Earth Since 861 AD

Car­lo Zap­poni, a data visu­al­iza­tion design­er at Nokia, has cre­at­ed a pret­ty splen­did visu­al­iza­tion of the 1,042 mete­orites that humans have wit­nessed hit­ting our plan­et since 861 AD. If you click the image above, you will see the visu­al­iza­tion in full screen mode. And if you then click on var­i­ous points along the time­line, you’ll get essen­tial data (pro­duced by The Mete­orit­i­cal Soci­ety) about each observed mete­or strike. Most are clus­tered in the 19th and 20th cen­turies. The last is the ter­ri­fy­ing rock that blast­ed through Siberia ear­li­er this year.

Note: A total of 34,513 mete­orites have hit our plan­et since 2500 BC. But the vast major­i­ty were nev­er observed. They were only lat­er found.

via The Guardian 

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  • Jonathan says:

    Just to clar­i­fy, these are the mete­orites which have been observed and report­ed and not­ed. The val­ue of 34,513 for the num­ber of mete­orites which have hit the earth since 2500BC also seems rather over­ly pre­cise. Per­haps you mean ‘at least…’

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