Dave Grohl, Tom Waits, Bonnie Raitt & Other Friends Make Surprise Appearances on Rolling Stones Tour

It’s good to be Dave Grohl these days. One day you get to ser­e­nade Paul McCart­ney; the next, Sir Paul jams with you and the sur­viv­ing mem­bers of Nir­vana; and then it’s off to play with the Rolling Stones. The 50 & Count­ing Tour passed through Ana­heim last week, and Grohl shared the stage with Mick, Kei­th, Ron­nie and Char­lie, throw­ing him­self into a rous­ing ver­sion of “Bitch,” the clas­sic song record­ed back in 1971. By the 2:48 mark, as one YouTu­ber noticed, Kei­th Richards prac­ti­cal­ly stops play­ing and just stares in won­der.

Oth­er guest per­for­mances on the tour have includ­ed Tom Waits singing “Lit­tle Red Roost­er” in Oak­land (below); Bon­nie Raitt join­ing in on “Let it Bleed” in San Jose (I got to catch that live); John Foger­ty singing parts of “It’s All Over Now” also in San Jose; and then, in a nod to the younger crowd, we have per­for­mances by Katy Per­ry (“Beast of Bur­den”) and Gwen Ste­fani (“Wild Hors­es”). Old timers will enjoy watch­ing Mick Tay­lor join his for­mer band­mates for ver­sions of “Mid­night Ram­bler” and “Sat­is­fac­tion”.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

The Rolling Stones Live in Hyde Park, 1969: The Com­plete Film

Jean-Luc Godard Films The Rolling Stones Record­ing “Sym­pa­thy for the Dev­il” (1968)

The Rolling Stones Sing Jin­gle for Rice Krispies Com­mer­cial (1964)

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