By 1972, the VelÂvet UnderÂground, arguably the most influÂenÂtial cult band of all time, was effecÂtiveÂly dead, all of the origÂiÂnal memÂbers havÂing departÂed the project. Reports of aniÂmosÂiÂty and ranÂcor at the end may be exagÂgerÂatÂed; whether the tenÂsions that split the band apart were priÂmarÂiÂly inner or outÂer hardÂly matÂters at this point. But the still-perÂformÂing memÂbers conÂtinÂued to supÂport each othÂer in some fashÂion for the remainÂder of their careers, and the band’s three singers even reunitÂed for a one-off acoustic conÂcert in Paris of that year to perÂform a set of clasÂsic VelÂvet tracks as well as songs from their solo albums.
The audio of this reunion cirÂcuÂlatÂed for years as a bootÂleg before its offiÂcial release in 2004. Video of the conÂcert at Le BatÂaÂclan, origÂiÂnalÂly broadÂcast on French teleÂviÂsion, preÂserves the evening, editÂed into segÂments and shufÂfling the origÂiÂnal song order.
First, Lou Reed sings “Berlin” (top), a torch song he purÂportÂedÂly wrote about Nico (watch her look on as he sings). Reed calls it his “BarÂbara Streisand song.” Next, watch Cale and Reed do a verÂsion of “WaitÂing for My Man” (above).
You can watch a longer verÂsion of the conÂcert broadÂcast here, with perÂforÂmances from Reed, Cale, and Nico interÂcut with talky segÂments between French jourÂnalÂists. This conÂcert, and the varÂiÂous bootlegs and offiÂcial live releasÂes, may not be essenÂtial lisÂtenÂing for casuÂal VU fans, but Philip Shelley’s comÂment on the live recordÂings may apply equalÂly to the film: “if you appreÂciÂate the fleetÂing revÂeÂlaÂtions to be found in snapÂshots, then this may be just the bit of quickÂsilÂver for you, a unique moment in musiÂcal hisÂtoÂry just before these three erstÂwhile Jekylls became forÂevÂer Hydes.”
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Nico Sings “Chelsea Girls” in the Famous Chelsea Hotel
Rock and Roll Heart, 1998 DocÂuÂmenÂtary Retraces the RemarkÂable Career of Lou Reed
Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian based in WashÂingÂton, DC. FolÂlow him at @jdmagness
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