On March 5, 1933, GerÂmany held its last demoÂcÂraÂtÂic elecÂtions until the end of WWII, and the NationÂal SocialÂists gained a pluÂralÂiÂty in the ReichÂstag, with 43.9% of the vote and 288 seats. This event paved the way for the Enabling Act latÂer that month, which effecÂtiveÂly empowÂered Hitler as dicÂtaÂtor. It would seem in hindÂsight that this turn—with all its attenÂdant vioÂlence, coerÂcion, and hysÂterÂiÂcal nationÂalÂist rhetoric—might have alarmed the WestÂern powÂers. And yet the oppoÂsite was true.
At least one newsÂman was alarmed, howÂevÂer. And on the day of the 1933 elecÂtions, he gained a brief audiÂence with the future Fuhrer. That man was CorÂnelius “Neil” VanÂderÂbilt IV, great-great-grandÂson of the railÂroad tycoon. Fed up with the malaise of his privÂiÂleged peers, VanÂderÂbilt had moved to jourÂnalÂism from his posiÂtion as a driÂver durÂing the First World War. His name gave him access to MusÂsoliÂni, StalÂin, and Hitler, whose impendÂing Reich became the subÂject of VanÂderÂbilt’s docÂuÂmenÂtary film, called Hitler’s Reign of TerÂror, released on April 30, 1934, a short porÂtion of which you can see above.
The New YorkÂer obtained the clip from BranÂdeis UniÂverÂsiÂty proÂfesÂsor Thomas DoherÂty, who redisÂcovÂered the film in a BelÂgian archive while researchÂing a recent book. Vanderbilt’s docÂuÂmenÂtary might well be the first AmerÂiÂcan anti-Nazi film, but its conÂtemÂpoÂrary recepÂtion speaks volÂumes about how critÂiÂcism of the new Nazi regime was supÂpressed in the mid-thirÂties; the film was cenÂsored across the U.S., denied a license, and banned.
What VanÂderÂbilt saw first-hand and chronÂiÂcled in his film is mild in comÂparÂiÂson to what was to come. NevÂerÂtheÂless, his take was preÂscient. He describes his anxÂious but parÂtialÂly sucÂcessÂful endeavÂor to smugÂgle footage across the GerÂman borÂder, prefÂacÂing the stoÂry by sayÂing “there isn’t monÂey enough in HolÂlyÂwood to get me to go through it again.” (The scene above is a reenÂactÂment, as is, quite obviÂousÂly, the scene of VanÂderÂbilt’s meetÂing with Hitler.) Asked about his impresÂsions of Hitler, VanÂderÂbilt has this to say:
UnquesÂtionÂably he is a man of real abilÂiÂty, of force. But the way I sized him up after interÂviewÂing him is that he is a strange comÂbiÂnaÂtion of Huey Long, BilÂly SunÂday, and Al Capone…. I had nevÂer heard a man so able to sway peoÂple.… In the hour and a half that Hitler talked to that packed audiÂence that night, he was as effecÂtive as a barkÂer in a sideshow travÂelÂing with a cirÂcus.
VanÂderÂbilt says above that the risÂing Nazi tide, “demandÂed revenge” and would not rest until they had it, to which his interÂviewÂer responds, “It all seems a ghastÂly, incredÂiÂble nightÂmare.” VanÂderÂbilt’s vision seemed like a senÂsaÂtionÂalÂisÂtic fever dream to his critÂics as well.
Read the full stoÂry of the film over at The New Yorker’s CulÂture Desk.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Watch LamÂbeth Walk—Nazi Style: The EarÂly ProÂpaÂganÂda Mash Up That Enraged Joseph Goebbels
The Nazis’ 10 ConÂtrol-Freak Rules for Jazz PerÂformÂers: A Strange List from World War II
The EnigÂma Machine: How Alan TurÂing Helped Break the UnbreakÂable Nazi Code
Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian based in WashÂingÂton, DC. FolÂlow him at @jdmagness
The conÂtext was that the largest ethÂnic group in AmerÂiÂca was and is GerÂmans, and howÂevÂer exeÂcrable the pro-Hitler senÂtiÂment, Hitler made most GerÂmans proud again, and AmerÂiÂcan politiÂcians needÂed their votes.
AmerÂiÂcan prinÂciÂples are one thing, but AmerÂiÂcan politiÂcians care more about AmerÂiÂcan votes.
The GerÂman-AmerÂiÂcan vote may have been part of it, but don’t forÂget the largÂer politÂiÂcal conÂtext. The US and much of the world was in a depresÂsion, capÂiÂtalÂism and even democÂraÂcy were often seen to be outÂmodÂed and inefÂfiÂcient, and the SoviÂet Union was frightÂenÂing to many (with good reaÂson). The danÂgers of comÂmuÂnism were already known, and at the time the danÂgers of fasÂcism seemed comÂparÂaÂtiveÂly minor, being largeÂly in the future. A “modÂern” anti-comÂmuÂnist dicÂtaÂtor in GerÂmany didÂn’t seem like the worst posÂsiÂble thing at the time.
SomeÂwhere in hell, WalÂter DuranÂty is smilÂing.
FasÂcism also had the repÂuÂtaÂtion of makÂing the trains run on time and rebuildÂing the econÂoÂmy. Hence the love for them.
There is also the fact that FDR was first electÂed not that long before and he had spoÂken rather approvÂingÂly of MusÂsoliÂni. FDR was a script conÂsulÂtant for the movie “Gabriel over the White House” which pretÂty openÂly advoÂcates fasÂcism.
“UnquesÂtionÂably he is a man of real abilÂiÂty, of force. But the way I sized him up after interÂviewÂing him is that he is a strange comÂbiÂnaÂtion of Huey Long, BilÂly SunÂday, and Al Capone…. I had nevÂer heard a man so able to sway peoÂple…. In the hour and a half that Hitler talked to that packed audiÂence that night, he was as effecÂtive as a barkÂer in a sideshow travÂelÂing with a cirÂcus.”
At the risk of invokÂing a reverse GodÂwin .…. that sounds like the guy in the White House now. In fact when I first saw him speak I thought Huey Long, and I thought AmerÂiÂcans would nevÂer go for that kind of charisÂmatÂic demÂaÂgoguery on a nationÂal scale.
Did VanÂderÂbilt ever do a film on the SoviÂet reign of terÂror? They had killed many milÂlions before AH was appointÂed chanÂcelÂlor. The Holodomor, for examÂple, took place in 1932–33.
Are we yet able to admit that FDR was himÂself a fasÂcist? As fascisÂtic as posÂsiÂble for the AmerÂiÂca of the day. He was as much a comÂmand and conÂtrol freak as Hitler and StalÂin, he just couldÂn’t acquire the same powÂer, though he cerÂtainÂly tried.
Just a heads up, if you’re going to comÂpare AmerÂiÂcan presÂiÂdents, whether DemoÂcÂrat or RepubÂliÂcan to Hitler, I’m going to delete the comÂment. This is an eduÂcaÂtionÂal webÂsite; it’s not a site that’s interÂestÂed in being a platÂform for ill-informed parÂtiÂsan rants. So if that’s what you’re interÂestÂed in, take your act elseÂwhere. And don’t waste minÂutes writÂing someÂthing that I will delete in a secÂond.
Should we be surÂprised that a proÂgresÂsive US govÂernÂment supÂpressed any inforÂmaÂtion about a moveÂment that was obviÂousÂly the oppoÂsite of what the Founders proÂposed? Look at how they treat any accuÂrate descripÂtion of things like comÂmuÂnism and fasÂcism even today. And don’t even try to accuÂrateÂly describe what the radÂiÂcal IslamÂic moveÂments are about today, you may end up facÂing charges.
What ever hapÂpened to the guy who made the video that didÂn’t cause BengÂhazi?
I find the politÂiÂcal paraÂnoia this post has proÂvoked quite alarmÂing. Too many shades of HofÂsÂtadter.
The thing about modÂern tyrants seems to be that, whereÂas the ambiÂtious used to murÂder in order to obtain powÂer, comÂmies and fasÂcists seek powÂer so that they can murÂder en masse and get away with it.
So that’s AnderÂson CoopÂers GrandÂfaÂther? GrandunÂcle? Very Cool. Good Stuff! Down with Nazism! Down with FasÂcism! Down with ComÂmuÂnism! Down with TheocÂraÂcies! Down with TyranÂny!