Last week, ColÂin MarÂshall told you all about The Art of Punk, the new docÂuÂmenÂtary series from the MuseÂum of ConÂtemÂpoÂrary Art in Los AngeÂles. This week, the series conÂtinÂues with a new video lookÂing at The Dead Kennedys and the artist behind their strikÂing artÂwork, WinÂston Smith. A “punk art surÂreÂalÂist” known for his “hand-carved” colÂlages, Smith is perÂhaps best known for creÂatÂing The Dead Kennedys’ iconÂic logo and othÂer arrestÂing images (see a slideshow here). The new MOCA video covÂers all of that, and then some, above.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
MalÂcolm McLaren: The Quest for AuthenÂtic CreÂativÂiÂty
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