Bill Nye the Science Guy has spent his career trying to “help foster a scientifically literate society, to help people everywhere understand and appreciate the science that makes our world work.” A graduate of Cornell and a student of Carl Sagan, Nye has produced educational programs for the Science Channel, the Discovery Channel, and PBS. Most recently, he has gone on record saying that teaching creationism in America’s classrooms is bad for kids, and bad for America’s future. “If the United States produces a generation of science students who don’t believe in science, that’s troublesome” because the United States needs science to remain competitive,” he warns in this video.
For some weeks, the internet has been abuzz about a debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham, the president of Answers in Genesis (AiG) and the Creation Museum. The debate — something Richard Dawkins called a pointless endeavor — took place last night in Petersburg, Kentucky. It’s now online, all two and a half hours of it. We’re you’re done watching the spectacle, you can view some other high-profile religion-science debates that we’ve featured in the past.
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The link that says the debate is something “Richard Dawkins called a pointless endeavor” actually links to an article written by someone else (Dan Arel). It’s just posted on Dawkins’ site. I assume Dawkins didn’t even bother to comment on this!
Bill Nye wins automatically…I could not listen to Ken Ham for 5 minutes straight here.
Ken Ham and Dawkin’s both suck.
“Highly anticipated”? By whom?
This is going to be less interesting than listening to Stephen Hawking explain to a slow teenager that Santa Claus isn’t real. Why is this even happening?
I’ve enjoyed sifting through your lectures sections but wish that you folks would also create a “debates” section for things like this. There are a multitude of debates similar to this across the web & it’d be nice if you compiled a good list of these for Open Culture.
I have seen no reason and evidence why some people should still believe in that mythical book called ‘bible’ i mean there is no proof that life was created and they should stop bringing up our children with such fable story of Adam and Eve.
creationist can never win evolutionist in debation because evolution is fact with many evidences and proofs and creation is a believe.It will be difficult for an educated or intelligent person to believe without a convincing evidence and proof, and that means ‘believe’ will be dead in future.