Batman Stars in an Unusual Cartoon Adaptation of Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment

Dostoyevsky cvr

On Fri­day, Fyo­dor Dos­toyevsky’s Crime and Pun­ish­ment topped our crowd­sourced list of Books Intel­li­gent Peo­ple Should Read.  If you haven’t read Dos­toyevsky’s clas­sic nov­el of mur­der and guilt, you should give it a go. But if you’re look­ing for a lighter, more play­ful take on the nov­el, we give you Dos­toyevsky Comicsa short car­toon adap­ta­tion that some­how inserts Bat­man into the Russ­ian tale. The com­ic was authored by R. Siko­ryak, who spe­cial­izes in cre­at­ing com­ic par­o­dies of lit­er­ary clas­sics. You can pur­chase his Mas­ter­piece Comics on Ama­zon here.

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