The Story of Oedipus Retold with Vegetables in Starring Roles

Sopho­cles and Aeschy­lus may be spin­ning in their graves. Or, who knows, they may be tak­ing some delight in this bizarre twist on the Oedi­pus myth. Run­ning 8 min­utes, Jason Wish­now’s 2004 film puts veg­eta­bles in the star­ring roles. One of the first stop-motion films shot with a dig­i­tal still cam­era, Oedi­pus took two years to make with a vol­un­teer staff of 100. But the hard work paid off.

The film has since been screened at 70+ film fes­ti­vals and was even­tu­al­ly acquired by the Sun­dance Chan­nel. Sep­a­rate videos show you the behind-the-scenes mak­ing of the film (mid­dle), plus the sto­ry­boards used dur­ing pro­duc­tion (bot­tom). This video first appeared on our site in 2011, and, stel­lar as it is, we’re delight­ed to bring it back for read­ers who have joined us since. Hope you enjoy.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Two Ani­ma­tions of Plato’s Alle­go­ry of the Cave: One Nar­rat­ed by Orson Welles, Anoth­er Made with Clay

The Har­vard Clas­sics: A Free, Dig­i­tal Col­lec­tion

Down­load 78 Free Online His­to­ry Cours­es: From Ancient Greece to The Mod­ern World

Ancient Greek clas­sics can be found in our twin col­lec­tions: 800 Free eBooks for iPad, Kin­dle & Oth­er Devices and 1,000 Free Audio Books: Down­load Great Books for Free

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.