Read Online Key Documents from the Ferguson Grand Jury: Witness Testimony, Forensic Evidence & More

ferguson testimonyTonight, a St. Louis Coun­ty grand jury decid­ed not to bring crim­i­nal charges against Dar­ren Wil­son, the white police offi­cer who shot to death Michael Brown, an unarmed African-Amer­i­can teenag­er, in Fer­gu­son, Mis­souri this past sum­mer. Fol­low­ing the con­tro­ver­sial deci­sion, St. Louis Pub­lic Radio start­ed to upload key doc­u­ments from the grand jury pro­ceed­ings to its web­siteThe doc­u­ments include grand jury tes­ti­mo­ny, foren­sic evi­dence, med­ical reports, and law enforce­ment inter­views. View it all here and be sure to check back for updates.

via Gawk­er

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  • Tami says:

    I hon­est­ly believe that the Unit­ed States cit­i­zens have become vio­lent and pathet­ic. How are cops sup­posed to pro­tect amer­i­can cit­i­zens when you have igno­rant peo­ple start­ing vio­lence because of a cop doing there job. We should be past the racial issues but these lib­er­al cit­i­zens run­ning the streets are mak­ing the sit­u­a­tion worse. Were i am from every race has the same oppor­tu­ni­ties as i do. Being a white per­son i have notice that oth­er races are prej­u­diced against me and come at me. I real­ize its there igno­rance and they need to real­ize that it does­n’t mat­ter about race issues this is about a per­son that was break­ing the law and the last time I checked going towards a police offi­cer is against the law. Peo­ple need to stop act­ing on violence.…look at the big pic­ture and grow up. My sup­port is for the police offi­cer that keeps my life safe.

  • One voice says:

    Tami. What if it was your son? Your broth­er? Inno­cent­ly walk­ing in his neigh­bor­hood, and then scared for his life? Shot mul­ti­ple times as he ran?
    The pun­ish­ment, the exe­cu­tion, of Michael Brown did not fit the crime he com­mit­ted. Who was he endan­ger­ing? No one. When Wil­son became a cop he swore to pro­tect and serve. Who does that apply to? Him­self appar­ent­ly. He shot an unarmed 18 year old boy in the head as he sur­ren­dured. And now he has pock­et­ed $400,000 for a lawyer he won’t even need.
    Michael Vick­’s dog recieved more jus­tice.

  • fred says:

    @ Tami

    Of course your White, pale skin is pro­tect­ed by Law Enforce­ment, the Law and all of the above!!! Then you have the audac­i­ty to spew lies of being racial­ly dis­crim­i­nat­ed against. Did you file any com­plaints to yours tru­ly, the Police? Besides when have you been denied work due to your skin col­or? As I imag­ined, nev­er!! Quick sto­ry for you to digest! My pro­file: 27 years in the Army; 4 years as a State Cor­rec­tions; 20 years as a Deputy Sher­iff.. Retired, I applied for a job as a blood Phle­botomist and nev­er received the job! Upon revis­it­ing the site I met a WHITE female that recent­ly was employed at that site! The caveat to that is she had recent­ly been released from the Flori­da Depart­ment of Cor­rec­tions! There you have it Ms. I WAS DISCRIMINATED!!!

  • gking says:

    @Tami#calling these thugs lib­er­al cit­i­zens realky makes you look une­d­u­cat­ed and tru­ly ignorant…your post is sim­ply a rant with no fac­tu­al basis…people like you are a big part of the problem.and last I CHECKED none of the crimes you state are pun­ish­able by death…I am a white lib­er­al and I am just curi­ous where you got the infor­ma­tion that these are ” lib­er­al cit­i­zens” riot­ing and looting…say after me Tami..I am a prej­u­diced big­ot and I am mak­ing up lies of racial dis­crim­i­na­tion against me so i can post a blog and get lots and lots of atten­tion”

  • gking says:

    And @fred..white skin guar­an­tees no pro­tec­tion from the law…your state­ments are just as racist as hers

  • John says:

    This death is the cur­rent focus of com­mu­ni­ty anger but the real issue is much big­ger. Igno­rance is being in denial of this ugly fact: Amer­i­ca impris­ons more peo­ple than any oth­er coun­try in the world (North Korea is the only real com­pe­ti­tion). And those peo­ple are most­ly most poor, young, black and male.

    “Mass incar­cer­a­tion on a scale almost unex­am­pled in human his­to­ry is a fun­da­men­tal fact of our coun­try today—perhaps the fun­da­men­tal fact, as slav­ery was the fun­da­men­tal fact of 1850. In truth, there are more black men in the grip of the crim­i­nal-jus­tice system—in prison, on pro­ba­tion, or on parole—than were in slav­ery then. Over all, there are now more peo­ple under “cor­rec­tion­al super­vi­sion” in America—more than six million—than were in the Gulag Arch­i­pel­ago under Stal­in at its height.”

    Adam Gop­nik “The Caging of Amer­i­ca”. New York­er, Jan­u­ary 30, 2012.

  • Glenn says:

    Tami, have some decen­cy and shut the fuck up.

  • kingg says:

    @Tara the grand jury was not decid­ing guilty or not guilty “as charged” they were only to decide if any charges were to be filed. And as to your ” peace­ful, non vio­lent pro­tes­tors, Browns step­fa­ther and sev­er­al oth­er peace mak­ers incit­ed these riots…its right on tape for every­one to see…unless ” burn this moth­er f@#%@# down” and ” kill the pigs” are peace­ful pro­tes­tor code words for ” increase the peace” if so, sorry…my bad

  • Rijo says:

    @One Voice — “What if it was your son? Your broth­er? Inno­cent­ly walk­ing in his neigh­bor­hood, and then scared for his life? Shot mul­ti­ple times as he ran?”

    Inno­cent­ly walk­ing? Brown was proven to have robbed that liquor store. Maybe Wilson’s reac­tions were a bit too much but let’s not pre­tend that Brown is some angel.

    As for Wil­son shoot­ing Brown in the head while he sur­ren­dered, foren­sics prove oth­er­wise and that the shot to the head more like­ly hap­pened while Brown was charg­ing.

  • John says:

    i’m mixed, Asian and Cau­casian.
    You know why I nev­er have a prob­lem with the police (LAPD) it’s because I obey the law, do you know why they don’t harass me? I don’t involve myself in sus­pi­cious behav­ior like loi­ter­ing, blast­ing music, or con­duct­ing myself in such a man­ner to gar­ner atten­tion or intim­i­date peo­ple to show thatI’m a badass. I was out and about 80% of the time as well, skate­board­ing with groups of friends. ( black , white all race ) and we nev­er had any prob­lems that we did­n’t bring upon our­selves.

    You don’t attack police offi­cers, just like you don’t curse and be rude in front of your grand­moth­er.

    It’s this dudes par­ents fault, they nev­er taught this kid man­ners and he just thought he was badass and just turned out to be a moron­ic wannabe. He was stoned too, and prob­a­bly could­n’t han­dle his shit and was over­ly para­noid.

    If he just lis­tened to the cop, and got on the side­walk, he’d be alive to mooch weed mon­ey off his parents.but no. He had to show how much of a badass he is and not com­ply.

    So why is he dead? Because he’s an idiot and obvi­ous­ly had some­thing to prove. Because he has shit­ty par­ents.

    Dar­wins law in full effect

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