In 2004, John Waters narÂratÂed Plagues & PleaÂsures on the Salton Sea, a humorÂous docÂuÂmenÂtary on the acciÂdenÂtal lake creÂatÂed in the desert of SouthÂern CalÂiÂforÂnia. You can now find the film hostÂed on the YouTube chanÂnel of KQED, the pubÂlic teleÂviÂsion outÂfit in San FranÂcisÂco (where we’re getÂting heavy, heavy rains today). They lay the founÂdaÂtion for watchÂing the film as folÂlows:
Once known as the “CalÂiÂforÂnia RivÂiera,” the Salton Sea is now conÂsidÂered one of AmerÂiÂca’s worst ecoÂlogÂiÂcal disÂasÂters: a fetid, stagÂnant, salty lake, coughÂing up dead fish and birds by the thouÂsands. NarÂratÂed by cult-movie legÂend John Waters, Plagues & PleaÂsures is an epic westÂern tale of real estate venÂtures and failed boomÂtowns.
Find Plagues & PleaÂsures on the Salton Sea listÂed in our colÂlecÂtion, 285 Free DocÂuÂmenÂtaries Online.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
An Anti, Anti-SmokÂing AnnounceÂment from John Waters
John Waters: The Point of ConÂtemÂpoÂrary Art
GlobÂal WarmÂing: A Free Course from UChicaÂgo Explains CliÂmate Change
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