50 Years of Changing David Bowie Hair Styles in One Animated GIF

bowie hair 2

Last sum­mer we time trav­eled back to 1964 and showed you the very first TV appear­ance of David Bowie. Here, we found Bowie, only 17 years old, pre­sent­ing him­self as the spokesman for “The Soci­ety for the Pre­ven­tion of Cru­el­ty to Long-Haired Men.” Long hair was­n’t wide­ly accept­ed in the Eng­land of 1964, and, with a touch of humor, Bowie was tak­ing a stand. “I think we’re all fair­ly tol­er­ant, but for the last two years we’ve had com­ments like ‘Dar­ling!’ and ‘Can I car­ry your hand­bag?’ thrown at us, and I think it just has to stop now.”

Bowie’s obses­sion with hair nev­er went away. Cre­ative hair­styles would come and go through­out the years. And they’re all on dis­play in an ani­mat­ed gif, which Helen Green pub­lished on her Tum­blr last week to cel­e­brate the musi­cian’s 68th birth­day.

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via Kot­tke

Relat­ed Con­tent:

A 17-Year-Old David Bowie Defends “Long-Haired Men” in His First TV Inter­view (1964)

David Bowie and Cher Sing Duet of “Young Amer­i­cans” and Oth­er Songs on 1975 Vari­ety Show

David Bowie Sings ‘I Got You Babe’ with Mar­i­anne Faith­full in His Last Per­for­mance As Zig­gy Star­dust

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