Last summer we time traveled back to 1964 and showed you the very first TV appearance of David Bowie. Here, we found Bowie, only 17 years old, presenting himself as the spokesman for “The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Long-Haired Men.” Long hair wasn’t widely accepted in the England of 1964, and, with a touch of humor, Bowie was taking a stand. “I think we’re all fairly tolerant, but for the last two years we’ve had comments like ‘Darling!’ and ‘Can I carry your handbag?’ thrown at us, and I think it just has to stop now.”
Bowie’s obsession with hair never went away. Creative hairstyles would come and go throughout the years. And they’re all on display in an animated gif, which Helen Green published on her Tumblr last week to celebrate the musician’s 68th birthday.
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