Free eBook: Freud’s Couch, Scott’s Buttocks, Brontë’s Grave

Freud's Couch

Worth a quick note: Every month, The Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go Press makes avail­able a free ebook, which you can read online. This mon­th’s pick is Freud’s Couch, Scot­t’s But­tocks, Bron­të’s Grave, by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­bridge Clas­sics pro­fes­sor Simon Gold­hill, who dou­bles as the direc­tor of the Cam­bridge Vic­to­ri­an Stud­ies group. The press describes the book as fol­lows:

If you have toured the home of a famed writer, seen the desk at which they worked, or vis­it­ed their grave, you are a lit­er­ary pil­grim, par­tak­ing in a form of tourism first pop­u­lar in the Vic­to­ri­an era. In our free e‑book for March, Freud’s Couch, Scott’s But­tocks, Brontë’s Grave, Simon Gold­hill makes a pil­grim­age to Sir Wal­ter Scott’s baro­nial man­sion, Wordsworth’s cot­tage in the Lake Dis­trict, the Bron­të par­son­age, Shakespeare’s birth­place, and Freud’s office in Hamp­stead. He game­ly nego­ti­ates dis­trac­tions rang­ing from bro­ken bicy­cles to a flock of gig­gling Japan­ese school­girls, as he tries to dis­cern what our fore­bears were look­ing for at these sites, as well as what they have to say to the mod­ern pil­grim. Take your lit­er­ary pil­grim­age in our free e‑book, Freud’s Couch, Scott’s But­tocks, Brontë’s Grave.

The book, which got a warm review in The Wall Street Jour­nal, can be accessed via The U. Chica­go site.  Count­less more free ebooks (down­load­able ones!) can be found in our col­lec­tion, 800 Free eBooks for iPad, Kin­dle & Oth­er Devices.

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