Like much of the rest of the counÂtry, PresÂiÂdent ObaÂma is getÂting some downÂtime in August — in his case spendÂing 16 days in Martha’s VineÂyard. From that nice getÂaway spot, POTUS has launched on SpoÂtiÂfy (downÂload the free softÂware here) two playlists of music — 20 songs for a hot sumÂmer day, and anothÂer 20 for a nice sumÂmer evening. You can play the songs below, and furÂther down the page, find six books on his sumÂmer vacaÂtion readÂing list.
DayÂtime lisÂtenÂing feaÂtures songs from Bob Dylan, Bob MarÂley, ColdÂplay, HowlÂin’ Wolf, Aretha Franklin, FloÂrence and the Machine, and The Rolling Stones. For nightÂtime, he’s servÂing up John Coltrane, Van MorÂriÂson, Joni Mitchell, Nina Simone and more. The man has taste. And for sumÂmer readÂing you can do worse than offer Jhumpa Lahiri, James Salter and ElizÂaÂbeth KolÂbert.
“The PresÂiÂdenÂt’s SumÂmer Playlist: Day”
“The PresÂiÂdenÂt’s SumÂmer Playlist: Night”
ObaÂma’s SumÂmer ReadÂing List:
All That Is, by James Salter
All The Light We CanÂnot See, by AnthoÂny Doerr
The Sixth ExtincÂtion, by ElizÂaÂbeth KolÂbert
The LowÂland, by Jhumpa Lahiri
Between The World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates
WashÂingÂton: A Life, by Ron CherÂnow
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Our counÂtry is blessed to have such a brilÂliant and fun guy as Mr. ObaÂma.
OH, yeah.… what would Geo WashÂingÂton’s playlists be? ObaÂma should know when he has finÂished his sumÂmer readÂing!
I canÂnot imagÂine what our world could have been if presÂiÂdent obaÂma would have had a conÂgress that worked with a man I believe to be the best presÂiÂdent we have ever had.It had to be unbearÂable to know what was posÂsiÂble and just thrown away by peoÂple that I canÂnot underÂstand have been choÂsen to run the country.Thank you for these years ‚for your famÂiÂly ‚the incredÂiÂble examÂple each of you have been. Take care please I have been so afraid for you in this increasÂingÂly vioÂlent time.