In 1704, Isaac Newton Predicts the World Will End in 2060

Newton Letter

We have become quite used to pro­nounce­ments of doom, from sci­en­tists pre­dict­ing the sixth mass extinc­tion due to the mea­sur­able effects of cli­mate change, and from reli­gion­ists declar­ing the apoc­a­lypse due to a sur­feit of sin. It’s almost impos­si­ble to imag­ine these two groups of peo­ple agree­ing on any­thing oth­er than the omi­nous por­tent of their respec­tive mes­sages. But in the ear­ly days of the sci­en­tif­ic revolution—the days of Shake­speare con­tem­po­rary Fran­cis Bacon, and lat­er 17th cen­tu­ry Descartes—it was not at all unusu­al to find both kinds of rea­son­ing, or unrea­son­ing, in the same per­son, along with beliefs in mag­ic, div­ina­tion, astrol­o­gy, etc.

Yet even in this mael­strom of het­ero­dox thought and prac­tices, Sir Isaac New­ton stood out as a par­tic­u­lar­ly odd co-exis­tence of eso­teric bib­li­cal prophe­cy, occult beliefs, and a rigid, for­mal math­e­mat­ics that not only adhered to the induc­tive sci­en­tif­ic method, but also expand­ed its poten­tial by apply­ing gen­er­al axioms to spe­cif­ic cas­es. Yet many of Newton’s gen­er­al prin­ci­ples would seem total­ly inim­i­cal to the nat­u­ral­ism of most physi­cists today. As he was for­mu­lat­ing the prin­ci­ples of grav­i­ty and three laws of motion, for exam­ple, New­ton also sought the leg­endary Philosopher’s Stone and attempt­ed to turn met­al to gold. More­over, the devout­ly reli­gious New­ton wrote the­o­log­i­cal trea­tis­es inter­pret­ing Bib­li­cal prophe­cies and pre­dict­ing the end of the world. The date he arrived at? 2060.


New­ton seems, writes sci­ence blog Anoth­er Pale Blue Dot, “as con­fi­dent of his pre­dic­tions in this realm as he was in the ratio­nal world of sci­ence.” In a 1704 let­ter exhib­it­ed at Jerusalem’s Hebrew Uni­ver­si­ty, above, New­ton describes his “rec­coning”:

So then the time times & half a time are 42 months or 1260 days or three years & an half, rec­coning twelve months to a yeare & 30 days to a month as was done in the Cal­en­dar of the prim­i­tive year. And the days of short lived Beasts being put for the years of lived [sic] king­doms, the peri­od of 1260 days, if dat­ed from the com­plete con­quest of the three kings A.C. 800, will end A.C. 2060. It may end lat­er, but I see no rea­son for its end­ing soon­er.

New­ton fur­ther demon­strates his con­fi­dence in the next sen­tence, writ­ing that his intent, “though not to assert” an answer, should in any event “put a stop the rash con­jec­tures of fan­ci­full men who are fre­quent­ly pre­dict­ing the time of the end.” Indeed. So how did he arrive at this num­ber? New­ton applied a rig­or­ous method, that is to be sure.

If you have the patience for exhaus­tive descrip­tion of how he worked out his pre­dic­tion using the Book of Daniel, you may read one here by his­to­ri­an of sci­ence Stephen Sno­be­len, who also points out how wide­spread the inter­est in Newton’s odd beliefs has become, reach­ing across every con­ti­nent, though schol­ars have known about this side of the Enlight­en­ment giant for a long time.

For a sense of the exact­ing, yet com­plete­ly bizarre fla­vor of Newton’s prophet­ic cal­cu­la­tions, see anoth­er New­ton let­ter at the of the post, tran­scribed below.

Prop. 1. The 2300 prophet­ick days did not com­mence before the rise of the lit­tle horn of the He Goat.

2 Those day [sic] did not com­mence a[f]ter the destruc­tion of Jerusalem & ye Tem­ple by the Romans A.[D.] 70.

3 The time times & half a time did not com­mence before the year 800 in wch the Popes suprema­cy com­menced

4 They did not com­mence after the re[ig]ne of Gre­go­ry the 7th. 1084

5 The 1290 days did not com­mence b[e]fore the year 842.

6 They did not com­mence after the reigne of Pope Greg. 7th. 1084

7 The dif­f­ence [sic] between the 1290 & 1335 days are a parts of the sev­en weeks.

There­fore the 2300 years do not end before ye year 2132 nor after 2370.

The time times & half time do n[o]t end before 2060 nor after [2344]

The 1290 days do not begin [this should read: end] before 2090 [New­ton might mean: 2132] nor after 1374 [sic; New­ton prob­a­bly means 2374]

The edi­to­r­i­al inser­tions are Pro­fes­sor Snobelen’s, who thinks the let­ter dates “from after 1705,” and that “the shaky hand­writ­ing sug­gests a date of com­po­si­tion late in Newton’s life.” What­ev­er the exact date, we see him much less cer­tain here; New­ton push­es around some oth­er dates—2344, 2090 (or 2132), 2374. All of them seem arbi­trary, but “giv­en the nice round­ness of the num­ber,” writes Moth­er­board, “and the fact that it appears in more than one let­ter,” 2060 has become his most mem­o­rable dat­ing for the apoc­a­lypse.

It’s impor­tant to note that New­ton didn’t believe the world would “end” in the sense of cease to exist or burn up in holy flames. His end times phi­los­o­phy resem­bles that of a sur­pris­ing num­ber of cur­rent day evan­gel­i­cals: Christ would return and reign for a mil­len­ni­um, the Jew­ish dias­po­ra would return to Israel and would, he wrote, set up “a flour­ish­ing and ever­last­ing King­dom.” We hear such state­ments often from tel­e­van­ge­lists, school boards, gov­er­nors, and pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates.

As many peo­ple have argued, despite Newton’s con­cep­tion of his sci­en­tif­ic work as a bul­wark against oth­er the­olo­gies, it ulti­mate­ly became a foun­da­tion for Deism and Nat­u­ral­ism, and has allowed sci­en­tists to make accu­rate pre­dic­tions for hun­dreds of years. 20th cen­tu­ry physics may have shown us a much more rad­i­cal­ly unsta­ble uni­verse than New­ton ever imag­ined, but his the­o­ries are, as Isaac Asi­mov would put it, “not so much wrong as incom­plete,” and still essen­tial to our under­stand­ing of cer­tain fun­da­men­tal phe­nom­e­na. But as fas­ci­nat­ing and curi­ous as Newton’s oth­er inter­ests may be, there’s no more rea­son to cred­it his prophet­ic cal­cu­la­tions than those of the Mil­lerites, Harold Camp­ing, or any oth­er apoc­a­lyp­tic dooms­day sect.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Stag­ger­ing Genius of Isaac New­ton

Isaac New­ton Cre­ates a List of His 57 Sins (Cir­ca 1662)

Sir Isaac Newton’s Papers & Anno­tat­ed Prin­cip­ia Go Dig­i­tal

Josh Jones is a writer and musi­cian based in Durham, NC. Fol­low him at @jdmagness

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  • Massimo Nardotto says:

    I present to the com­mu­ni­ty a more accu­rate way to cal­cu­late an even­tu­al End of Time on Earth.

    In the Bible, espe­cial­ly in the books of Exo­dus 14.19 to 21 and the Apoc­a­lypse of John, is pre­sent­ed indi­rect­ly the num­ber 216.

    In Num­ber The­o­ry, Euler’s Phi Func­tion of 666 is still equal to 216 and 6*6*6 is equal to 216 too.

    216 is also the only nat­ur­al num­ber that can not be writ­ten as a sum of zero or a prime num­ber and a tri­an­gu­lar num­ber.

    216 is also the val­ue for which the sur­face and vol­ume of a cube coin­cide.

    But 216 is above all the num­ber of dig­its in the fol­low­ing numer­i­cal matrix, derived from the Fibonac­ci sequence in mod­ule 9, for each nat­ur­al form 9:

    1 1 2 3 5 8 4 1 3 7 9 8 8 8 7 6 4 1 5 6 2 8 1 9
    2 2 4 6 1 7 8 5 6 2 7 9 7 7 5 3 8 2 1 3 4 7 2 9
    3 3 6 9 6 6 3 3 9 3 6 9 6 6 3 3 9 3 6 9 6 6 3 9
    4 4 8 3 2 5 7 4 3 1 5 9 5 5 1 6 7 4 2 6 8 5 4 9
    5 5 1 6 7 4 2 6 8 5 4 9 4 4 8 3 2 5 7 4 3 1 5 9
    6 6 3 3 9 3 6 9 6 6 3 3 9 3 6 9 6 6 3 3 9 3 6 9
    7 7 5 3 8 2 1 3 4 7 2 9 2 2 4 6 1 7 8 5 6 7 2 9
    8 8 7 6 4 1 5 6 2 8 9 1 1 1 2 3 5 8 4 1 3 7 8 9
    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

    By treat­ing this matrix with an algo­rithm that high­lights all the pos­si­ble con­fig­u­ra­tions through the sym­me­tries between pairs of nat­ur­al, you are obtained 30 bina­ry images.

    30 in bina­ry is equal to 11110.

    The con­jec­ture is the fol­low­ing: let x (y) is the ordi­nal posi­tion of a term of the matrix repeat­ed n times. Let y be the sum of terms that pre­cede the ele­ment x includ­ing x itself.
    Com­pute the val­ue of x (11110), that is the posi­tion of the dig­it for which the sum of itself with all the terms that pre­cede it is equal to or greater than 11110.

    It is obtained that x = 2028.

    So, if the posi­tion of the terms of the matrix cor­re­spond to Earth years, since the com­ing of Jesus Christ, the sys­tem would not be pos­si­ble since 2028AC.

    Con­sid­er now the fun­da­men­tal equa­tion π (x + y) (t‑xy) = k, where k is the largest num­ber palin­drome known to be square of a num­ber and sum of two twin primes: 69696. Let π equal to approx­i­ma­tion in excess of the val­ue of pi greek cal­cu­lat­ed by Archimedes of Syra­cuse for a poly­gon of 96 sides: 22/7. And t is the Earth year which cor­re­sponds to a com­bi­na­tion of the val­ues of x and y.

    For exam­ple for t = 2012, the val­ues of x and y are 38 and 46.

    The equa­tion deter­mines a parabo­la for which the time t–> t (x, y) reach­es its sum­mit in the year 2028AC, with val­ues of x and y equal to 42.


  • Colin says:

    The prophe­cy was not for the end of the world but the pres­ence (2nd Com­ing) of Jesus. He would con­tin­ue God’s king­dom from when the last king (Zedeki­ah) was removed & killed by the Baby­lo­ni­ans.
    This would end the times of the Gen­tiles but he would rule amidst his ene­mies, cleanse the heav­ens as we wait for the King­dom to come on the earth as it is in heav­en.

    If you would like to know more ask any one of Jeho­vah’s wit­ness­es.


  • I.K.Chapman says:

    Dear Col­in, with all due respect, I allow myself to say: arti­cles like this one, may be sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly inter­est­ing, but in my view, “unnec­es­sary” to be pub­lished. Why? Because it inse­cure peo­ple, it makes them afraid…regardless of faith and reli­gion. Our world as we know it, and inhab­it ENDS one day. Each time we might meet hit by a 20 kilo­me­ters large mete­orite, at any time could be the 3rd world war break out and we are wiped out by our nuclear weapons, at any time a glob­al super-earth­quake ‑like nev­er seen before- could trig­ger vol­canic erup­tions and destroy us and our atmosphere…and so on.
    It does not mat­ter WHAT & WHEN Any­way, the end of our plan­et, the human species will be, because when the time comes, we can not do any­thing about it or pre­vent it, right? Again, last but not least does not count on what a per­son believes, what reli­gion he belongs, if he send his prayers to God, Jeho­va, Allah, Shi­va or Bud­dha- God/Jehova has count­less names and it’s just that every reli­gion is each alone on one side of a diamond…the oth­er sides does not see you and you can’t see ’em. How­ev­er con­sid­er­ing the entire dia­mond, you can see every­thing is ONE.
    I respect Jeho­va’s Wit­ness­es, have allowed to know a bible study with enthu­si­asm by one of your broth­ers and a sis­ter. Although I am not con­vert­ed, how­ev­er, believe in some­thing that is proph­e­sied in EVERY reli­gion: that one day­Je­sus will return to the earth- since I’m a physi­cist, I see Jesus, how­ev­er, rather than force of nature/universe, not as a human appear­ance ;-)
    My appeal last but not least: Please do not pub­lish such arti­cle ms under reli­gious aspects- whether like the authors served the Bible/the “Bible Code” as a source…at least any result depends on math­e­mat­ics and/or Sci­ence (Sir New­ton or Nos­tradamus as well for exam­ple!). Thank you very much, warm greet­ings I.K.C

  • sandip chor says:

    i real­ly did­nt like the vway to inter­pre­ty the wor

  • Pancreas Pastelli says:

    We may we be heard of hark her­ald angels in sum­mer­time con­sum­ing the almighty flame of truth. We her­ald from a com­mu­ni­ty of conun­drums refus­ing to behold the ben­e­fit of all faith and uni­ty. Release thee from catalysms and ungod­ly knowl­edge and re-envel­op the world like it used to be before the down­fall and down­trod­den ment of the man fam­i­ly. hark to before when trou­ble did­nt exist. harken to the shad­ows where the true fam­i­ly awaits its final cur­tain in the even­tu­al uplift­ing and all con­sum­ing brain func­tions it sym­bol­is­es with rich vein shift­ing signs and solu­tions of infamy and per­pet­u­al kind­ness. enjoy you din­ner and sur­round­ings it will only get worse.

    signed from above.

  • As usu­al in alarmist jour­nal­ism, this sto­ry’s head­line is inac­cu­rate. New­ton wrote that the end would come in 2060 or LATER. In that he is almost cer­tain­ly cor­rect.

  • Negative_plasmahealer says:

    What you have failed to unveil is what still is not know to the major­i­ty. New­ton uncov­ered God’s works. You will nev­er come to know God by hav­ing only one select study. This is why New­ton stud­ied many things, astrology,language,mathematics,chemistry, the­ol­o­gy, ele­ments, prop­er­ties of behavior,etc. “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.Revelatuon 1:8
    All things are a reflec­tion of me.
    For life is in the blood and my sequence gives struc­ture in my name. Which is writ­ten in the book of life. My name is found in all mat­ter and my instruc­tions, are inher­it­ed.

  • Musa Khan says:

    A fear­ing mes­sage for all human should not post this pub­licly like this we all know that world will be end one day.

  • Darcy says:

    “There’s no more rea­son to cred­it…”

    On the con­trary.

    “Lke the light of dawn that grows
    brighter until the full light of day.” Pv 4:18
    New­ton (his Daniel and the Apoc­a­lypse 1733 book) and the Mllerites were right in many aspects. New­ton (I don’t think he’s set­ting 2060 as the spe­cif­ic final year) was wrong here about the “com­mence of the 2300 days/years”, but the mil­lerites have got it right. The mil­lerites mis­take was basi­cal­ly to apply the right date of a prophe­cy in 1844 (not refut­ed and got by deep and sol­id study) to the wrong event. The Sev­enth Day Adven­tists know that. His­tori­cism makes pos­si­ble a very con­sis­tent time-frame of prophe­cy-ful­fill­ment due to the suc­cess­ful part of the task New­ton, the Mil­lerites and oth­ers have done in cor­rect­ly unveil­ing some spe­cif­ic points in Scrip­tures. Btw, the mil­lerites incom­plete under­stand­ing was even pre­dict­ed in Rev­e­la­tion, chap­ter 10, which warns after their dis­ap­point­ment: “You must proph­esy again about many peo­ples, nations, lan­guages, and kings.”
    “Proph­esy again”. That’s what SDAs have done. Not set­ting a day for Jesus to return, but pro­claim­ing the three final mes­sages of warn­ing from Rev­e­la­tion 14:6–12 before Christ comes.
    “The one who is tes­ti­fy­ing to these things says, “Yes, I am com­ing soon!” Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” Ap. 22:20.

  • Joe says:

    Bible does­n’t mean noth­ing to us in Amer­i­can, it was copy and paste by Tom Jef­fer­son… Amer­i­can bible is a total joke, we all on death row the ques­tion is when

  • Joe says:

    Go read your unless bible can’t take it with you in the after life

  • Jim says:

    Man I did­n’t even read all that! We can each find math­e­mat­i­cal truths to quan­ti­fy our beliefs. I’ve come to believe if I search long enough, I find what I’m look­ing for. My truth is sim­ple: the end of time comes when I die. So, I should enjoy the day and “damn the tor­pe­does”!

  • kenan onur says:

    NO ONE can know or pre­dict THE END OF EVERYTHING s DATE. this kind of infor­ma­tion SERVE for DEVIL. because DEVIL make peo­ple DESPERATE. dont CARE so kind of PRE­DIC­TIONs. we should live HOPEFUL and think GOOD.

  • Ronnie says:

    The prob­lem is that the orig­i­nal val­ue came from a work of fic­tion.

  • Bruce says:

    Upvote 1.

  • Joseph says:

    2060 may per­haps be the year all form of paper print gets put to the dust bins of soci­ety.

    The end of soci­eties run­ning amok.

  • Pololi says:

    No me parece que involu­cres a los tes­ti­gos de Jehová, porque ellos solo leen par­cial­mente la Biblia,solo los tex­tos que les con­vienen, además solo hablan de tribu­lación y armage­don, acá se estan col­gan­do de una pro­fecía, nadie sabe la fecha y lugar ni el hijo ni los ange­les, así que es una bobería de que los tes­ti­gos ten­gan respues­ta para todo, a caso son supe­ri­ores a Dios? O may­or que Jesús? Hay que ten­er mucho respeto con lo que se habla del padre, ven­ga o no el fin cual es el.problema? A caso jun­taran sus super poderes como la liga de la jus­ti­cia y evi­taran aque­l­lo?. Nada se puede hac­er pon­er pechos a las balas, que Dios noz juz­gara uno por uno y ust­edes no serán excep­ción.

  • ben says:

    Very excel­lent study!! I find it fas­ci­nat­ing that we have in our grasps a sol­id date to which we see may mark the end. I also am enrap­tured by the fact that so many com­ments on here seek to sti­fle pur­pose of this being print­ed. I also find it absolute fool­ish­ness to sug­gest that we should not know these types of things. This just sums up what the Bible has been stat­ing all along. Men loved dark­ness which is trans­lat­ed igno­rance. The love to stay in igno­rance and not face the truth that very soon this world will be over and done with and those who have received for­give­ness of sins will be in the new earth and Heav­en. 2Peter 3 warns that the earth will be con­sumed by fire and all the ele­ments will be burned up. So please make your deci­sion and come to the Lord while their is still time.You and I are all on bor­rowed time and have to be aware of wolves in sheep­’s cloth­ing.

  • Jesse Jackie Lated says:

    Did Sir Isaac New­ton know about glob­al warm­ing before he pre­dict­ed the end of the world?

  • nieznany says:

    Can we move it up a few years?

  • Edgar says:

    No mat­ter what, we‘re all bound for Mu land. Esp. you with all your cars and coal burn­ing. Keep the faith. You‘ll need it.

  • bujamm says:

    Que el eFF.. uhuh, uhuh..

  • steve says:

    I sup­pose it’s fun to spec­u­late when the world will end, but if you would like to have a bet­ter life now, check out “God and Man: Love on the Rocks:”
    by Steven Ros­ner.

    It shows how liv­ing our lives with more integri­ty and com­pas­sion, will make them eas­i­er, cause us less suf­fer­ing, and allow us to suc­ceed in what we do. It asserts humans were giv­en free will, and guid­ed by the moral com­pass with­in Scrip­ture, our behav­ior can evolve away from evil and toward right­eous­ness.
    It cov­ers Scrip­ture and sci­ence, God and His attrib­ut­es, Man—including his Free Will, Soul, Body and Mind. It address­es Good and Evil, and the nature of each. It reviews six major reli­gions, and shows that at their core, they are remark­ably sim­i­lar. It takes on the for­mi­da­ble task of chron­i­cling evil and its per­va­sive his­to­ry, Man’s frac­tured rela­tion­ship with God and how to repair it, and sug­gests the rea­sons and caus­es of most suffering—and that it is unfair to blame God for same.
    It states God desires very lit­tle of us—regardless of our cul­ture, reli­gion, or eth­nic­i­ty. In sim­ple terms, He wants us to be right­eous, do jus­tice, and love com­pas­sion. He also desires a rela­tion­ship with man, and the book doc­u­ments not only mul­ti­ple exam­ples of Divine Prov­i­dence, but how to engage God real-time! In short, “God and Man: Love on the Rocks” is wel­com­ing for all read­ers, for any­one seek­ing to know God and to improve their rela­tion­ship with Him!

    It is a 300+ paperback;12.95 list or 0.99 on Kin­dle.

    May God bless you all!

  • Patrick Levasseur says:

    Instead of using reli­gion as a tool to pre­dict the end of humans, Sci­en­tists have been using the sperm of human males to reach a more sci­en­tif­ic sum­ma­tion.

    Human males aver­age less than half the sperm record­ed from 1970. Because of chem­i­cal pol­lu­tion, both estro­gen and testos­terone are being destroyed. All the species on this plan­et are being destroyed and there’s no way to stop it. It can only be delayed if we all get togeth­er and stop the mad­ness and STOP USING CHEMICALS. By the time we do this, the last gen­er­a­tion of humans will be upon us.

    By 2060 we could very well be at the end of life as we know it and there is nowhere else to go. Cli­mate change is tak­ing care of speed­ing up the process. Super storms are spread­ing the chem­i­cal pol­lu­tion, the oceans are dying, the land and aquifers under­neath are dying, all life is being pol­lut­ed from with­in.

    So the last one out, please turn off the lights before you go.

  • Vickez says:

    Please be right this time

  • Drew says:

    Incorec­to, los tes­ti­gos de jehová no tratan de dis­cernir el dia del fin. Y no leen par­cial­mente la Bib­lia. Mi padres son tes­ti­gos de jehová y puedo decir con certeza que mi padre ha lei­do la bib­lia en com­ple­ta siete veces. Los tes­ti­gos es la religión que lea la Bib­lia mas que cualquier religión y trat­en de vivir de las nor­mas de la bib­lia y no de tradi­ciones. Antes de decir algo, haga inves­ti­gación. Muchos escuchan su pas­tor acer­ca de los tes­ti­gos y pien­san que ya saben todo. Ellos no son la excep­ción, habra una resucitación de jus­tos como fe injus­tos y todos tiene la opur­tanidad de servir a Dios

  • Sol says:

    Greet­ings of love.

    Mine is between 1975 CE to 2105 CE.By using reduc­tion analy­sis, it will be on 2021.5 CE to 2034 CE. I used con­fi­dence inter­val sys­tem in esti­mat­ing its even­tu­al­i­ty and not a one point sys­tem.

    I have already doc­u­ment­ed the evi­dence using con­tent analy­sis from the Bible using deduc­tive method. I used the Bible as the main source of the con­cepts, then I used math­e­mat­i­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tion in extract­ing its impli­ca­tion using enu­mer­a­tion method. I will pub­lish my research paper with­in this year. I will present it on May 18, 2019 for the ini­tial screen­ing with the pan­el of the­o­ry devel­op­ment experts.

    Such research paper is need­ed for the real­iza­tion of Daniel 11:44 Thank you.

  • Sol says:

    The pre­dic­tion it is not about the end of the world but it is all about the grand appli­ca­tion of the con­cept of Jubilee year in order to set mankind free from being slaves of sin. It is actu­al­ly a good news for all of us. The title of my research paper is PREDICTIVE MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE THEOCRATIC GOVERNMENTAL RESTORATION.

    I can con­duct a Bible study with you online if you are humbly inter­est­ed.

    Thanks ahead.

  • Jerry says:

    Where might I read your work or down­load it? Please

  • GMOPOND says:

    New­ton did not pre­dict the end of the world in 2060. He cal­cu­lat­ed 2060 as a date the mod­ern world would end. Who bet­ter to say than the one who cal­cu­lat­ed the mod­ern world into exis­tence, over three hun­dred years in advance.

    New­ton is not using a prophet­ic date, nor a pre­dict­ed date, 2060 is a cal­cu­lat­ed date that will live in infini­ti as the date-time for the blos­som, not for doom and gloom. Homo-sapi­ens has had that for 250,000 years, along with all oth­er Forms. The blos­som we have not had. All mes­sages of the desert talked about this blos­som, whom they asso­ci­at­ed with every day, but could not find in the city.Its not the end is com­ing, its the end of com­ing that must be, before the blos­som blooms. GMOPOND

  • Carins Johnson says:

    All the above is very inter­est­ing and I’ve read it with the belief that the end of the “Church Age” is rapid­ly approach­ing. I believe plan­et earth will expe­ri­ence an event that will occur some­time between the dates 21 Sep­tem­ber 2019 and 21 March 2020 that will impact every­one alive. I can­not say this will be a nat­ur­al or a man caused event but we’ll all be effect­ed by it. Many peo­ple will call upon the name of the Lord and many peo­ple will curse the name of the Lord as a result of this event.

  • Tom says:

    Right, “as it is appoint­ed unto men once to die, but after this the judg­ment:” Hebrews 9:27. That is why we must believe, as Jesus said; “I am the res­ur­rec­tion, and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:” John 11:25.

  • timothy thrapp says:

    I am desir­ing to reply to Carins John­son, (Two com­ment up)

    Carins, you are absolute­ly cor­rect on all points but one. The date will be Sept 19th 2020.

    I could be off by up to 110 days. but I doubt I am off.

    Sept 19th… Jesus Returns
    (Most peo­ple will real­ize that some­thing big just hap­pened but most will not know what it was)

    WW3 starts same time
    Great tribu­la­tion for 1st world coun­tries starts same time.
    (Many 3rd world coun­tries the great trib, already start­ed)

    Some­time lat­er, Jesus returns in Rul­ing pow­er, to end of the Great Tribu­la­tion.

  • Ari PASTEUR says:

    Praise be to God Broth­er. I’ve seen the mes­sage of yours dat­ed 21sep2019. I’m inter­est­ed to know more about the pre­dic­tions of the actu­al events hap­pen­ing now & to be hap­pened in the future. Thanks and regards.
    Ari Pas­teur.

  • M.wilks says:

    Let’s see June virus famine steel pell mell,July vol­cano August ice melt, sept poor har­vest the virus ends in sept 2021 worse in the west next year , the world is chang­ing but vol­canic activ­i­ty destroys much we return from sanc­tu­ary 1and 2 to reseed,stay safe ‚mx

  • M.wilks says:

    Let’s see June virus famine steel pell mell,July vol­cano August ice melt, sept poor har­vest the virus ends in sept 2021 worse in the west next year , the world is chang­ing but vol­canic activ­i­ty destroys much in3797 we return from sanc­tu­ary 1and 2 to reseed,stay safe ‚mx

  • dani says:

    Right on time — great study and very accu­rate. If we sub­tract the final tribu­la­tion of 78 months and drop off the year zero for the start of the LORD’s min­istry, we’re just about there espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing what Peter said with empha­sis about one day equal to a thou­sand years. in
    3:8. I hope some will read, heed and repent as HE is due back any­time for HIS peo­ple. Also in this time of sor­rows are a few vers­es about the cv — hour of tri­al, from Isa­iah 26: 19–21 “But your dead will live; their bod­ies will rise. You who dwell in the dust, wake up and shout for joy. Your dew is like the dew of the morn­ing; the earth will give birth to her dead. 20 Go, my peo­ple, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide your­selves for a lit­tle while until his wrath has passed by. 21 See, the LORD is com­ing out of his dwelling to pun­ish the peo­ple of the earth for their sins. The earth will dis­close the blood shed upon her; she will con­ceal her slain no longer.” Sounds like “shel­ter in place.” Also it tells us the LORD is right behind it. The book of truth was promised to be open now and Daniel 11 takes on a whole new mean­ing as we await the abom­i­na­tion and rap­ture of the church who are wait­ing and watch­ing.

  • Marco says:

    Hi Sol! I came to a very sim­i­lar con­clu­sion based on Adam’s age when he became father of his third son. And also by using Noah’s flood tim­ing. Is that the method you used in your research?


  • Quininn Boy says:

    All of you are amaz­ing guys, God loves us all, we are all spe­cial to Him.

  • Alain Dubreuil says:

    Hel­lo Sol,

    I pray you receive this? I would love to see your research paper. I’ve looked up writ­ings of Sir. Isaac New­ton before but nev­er to deep. Today I was dig­ging a lit­tle because I’ve been called the open­er of the books as New­ton said would hap­pen in the last days.

    Keep­ing it short. Every­thing changed for me a lit­tle over 3 years ago. It start­ed with the rev­e­la­tion of who the gospels are speak­ing to. It has been revealed and what it reveals has a direct rela­tion to the end days/ tribu­la­tion groups and goes all the way to set­ting at rest whether pre/ mid or post are true. And so much more! The sec­ond por­tion or what I call key that was revealed to me was the tim­ing? Not the exact date, but the true dura­tion of the tribu­la­tion. Togeth­er they revealed why the prophet­ic world believes the tribu­la­tion is only 7 years? When in truth that would be impos­si­ble as it would break GOD’s own law of 6 and 7th rest? It’s also the rea­son there are 6 seals and the 7th rest and 6 trum­pets with the Lord’s return feet down after the 6th trum­pet to ful­fill the 7th trum­pet rest.

    All this and so much more! About a dozen books have opened to me in end time reveal­ing from Gen­e­sis to Daniel to Hosea to Zechari­ah to John to Rev­e­la­tion and more.

    And the rea­son for my eager post to you was… your time frame!!! ~2021.5 to 2034! I can con­firm this all to you by scrip­ture. Includ­ing the exact dura­tion of your years post­ed!!!

    I share my find­ings and rev­e­la­tions with about 6000 world­wide who dig into them for them­selves to see and under­stand. And I would love to get these to a big­ger plat­form. Mean­ing a pan­el of experts, to bring these incred­i­ble opened books to light!

    I pray to hear from you soon.
    Alain Dubreuil

  • Allelejo says:

    Christ informed Us,

    Behold I come quick­ly…
    ..unless you do it unto your­selves

  • Jackie says:

    Has no one stud­ied out the Feasts? Has any one con­sid­ered the Cre­ators reck­on­ing of time?

  • Balter Black says:

    Very sel­dom does an under­stand­ing of scrip­ture, his­to­ry, kab­bal­ah and math­e­mat­ics all reside with­in one skull — but it sure­ly did in New­ton’s One needs to put his writ­ing in con­text, the mid­dle of the Ref­or­ma­tion AND the Restora­tion — and to note that the Church of Eng­land is real­ly the Roman Church in dif­fer­ent coloured stock­ings. New­ton points out that the Beast is the Roman Empire and the Great Whore “rid­ing upon it drunk­en with the blood of the saints” is the Roman Church. Her reward: the pow­er and wealth of the Beast — her ser­vice? incul­cat­ing the divine right of kings from the time of Con­stan­tine to the present. You can imag­ine such views were not tol­er­at­ed by the gov­ern­ment of King Charles II but New­ton was so intel­li­gent he was giv­en a pass (and his “oth­er writ­ings” sup­pressed) but if the clos­et Catholic King Charles II had known of these par­tic­u­lar writ­ings things might not have gone too well (Charles I was behead­ed and Charles II upon his restora­tion to the crown a decade lat­er had every one who had signed the death war­rant and was still liv­ing hung, drawn and quar­tered — also Oliv­er Cromwell was dis­in­terred and the corpse behead­ed for good mea­sure) But let’s look at the facts: the asymp­tote for world pop­u­la­tion appears at the moment to be 2060 although we are assured (by that bas­tion of truth and effi­cien­cy the Unit­ed Nations) that it will lev­el off at around eleven bil­lion peo­ple.

  • Lisa Ryan says:

    No one knows the date of Jesus’ return. He is not behold­en to any one’s inter­pre­ta­tion of the date or time. He is not behold­en to our inter­pre­ta­tion, but rather we are behold­en to Him. Regard­less of when Jesus returns, whether tomor­row, 2060, or a thou­sand years from now, he requires the same thing of us — to love God with every­thing we are, and our neigh­bor as our­selves. Remem­ber what Jesus described in Matt 25, and ask your­self ‘Did I feed the hun­gry, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, wel­come the stranger, vis­it those in prison and the sick?’ Go read Matt 25 to see how impor­tant this is. It is far more impor­tant than pon­tif­i­cat­ing on the date of His return.

  • Altus says:

    I Can’t believed that; by 2060 the world will come to an end!
    Peo­ple are just look­ing for means and ways to earn prof­it.

  • amgonakillyaw says:

    With all due respect to every­one,
    I agree, dont see this through reli­gion, see it through sci­ence, SAVE EARTH.

  • Bryan Elliott Bruce says:

    There is only one way to the Father and that is Jesus Christ. Don’t let your lim­it­ed rea­son­ing as a man keep you from spend­ing eter­ni­ty with God.

  • Ved says:

    I spent about an hour read­ing this post and the com­ments. I knew it was all irra­tional but why did I waste so much time? I guess this was to under­stand how peo­ple think irra­tional­ly. How reli­gious beliefs pol­lutes the mind of peo­ple. New­ton said the world will end in 2060. Just because it was New­ton who said so, make it believ­able. New­ton was a prod­uct of his time. he was a sci­en­tif­ic genius , and still he believed in the irra­tional ideas of reli­gion. This is true. Who said that a sci­en­tist must not believe in reli­gion?

  • Henry Martinez says:


  • Randall says:

    I have stud­ied physics, just a BS, also Aero­nau­ti­cal sci­ence and am self edu­cat­ed in many oth­er fields. I too believe God is a force, native Amer­i­cans called in him as the great spir­it. I also believe that the study of physics is a search for god’s truth’s of nature and real­i­ty. I believe in a soul, I just feel as if quan­tum entan­gle­ment has some­thing to do with it. If ener­gy can­not be destroyed and infor­ma­tion not lost, it’s pos­si­ble we exist on a quan­tum lev­el and our ener­gy holds the infor­ma­tion after the phys­i­cal body dies. Im hav­ing dif­fi­cul­ty explain­ing it, but that’s close to my mean­ing. It would explain a lit­tle lot of bib­li­cal sto­ries, Jesus said we could move a moun­tain if we just had faith the size of a mus­tard seed. It’s pos­si­ble if we we able to unleash our minds poten­tial.

  • Jean says:

    You blew it!

  • Vinod R Mishra says:

    Lord Vish­nu is the god of the world. He cre­at­ed this word.

  • Cool says:

    What if some­one trav­el back in time and try to tell peo­ple in future some alien attack or war going to hap­pen in 2060–70,2332–44 and failed then con­tact to New­ton (past influ­en­tial peo­ple) but still failed😄 it’s okay .i watched 3 year ago some time trav­eller said when drone fly on sky then ai era begins when blast on moon then some­thing else hap­pens today i actu­al­ly saw in March 2022 some­thing hit on moon😂😂😂 maybe those trav­ellers are not half bad👍

  • Valentine De Vargas says:

    This is what I think,with or with­out any type of PhD, in any lev­el of endeav­ors. (Life) not a type of A god. Life gives us Birth, Suf­fer­ing’s, Old Age, Death. Rebirth, when the right con­di­tions is right, (Spring) the dor­mant life force with­in the tree, return’s back to life, the flow­ers bloom, the leaves show them self, the fruit begins to show it self.
    Same way with human­i­ty. When­ev­er the right con­di­tions are right, Human­i­ty returns back to life here in the plan­et.
    The king­dom of heav­en is with­in, mean­ing that
    Heav­en and hell are not places, but are com­plete­ly con­di­tions in Our life’s.
    Hell, Anger, Hunger, Hap­pi­ness, Rap­ture, Ani­mal­i­ty..
    This con­di­tions or (envi­ron­ments), the sec­ond we wake­up in the morn­ing, this con­di­tions wake up, this con­di­tions inter­vene fight­ing to con­trol our every sec­ond, dai­ly.
    We may wake­up, hap­py and a few min­utes lat­er, we get angry or some­thing from anger we fill Hunger for greed, or knowl­edge. Some humans stay angry all day long.
    We are appear­ance, nature, we are the enti­ty. There is no sins, only the Uni­ver­sal of Cause and Effect. Do on to oth­ers as you wish them to into you. Etc
    Sir Isaac New­ton was try­ing to explain the same con­cept.
    But a life force (Life) not a type of God. But life it self.
    Between your hands, behind you, as far as you can see, that is God. We in the envi­ron­ment or insep­a­ra­ble like fish and water. Fish out of the water, will instant­ly starts to shake, for the life of the water. Same with human­i­ty, we search for a type of God, out­side our self­’s. Still Shak­ing today.

  • Valentine De Vargas says:

    Those that go through the cycle of Birth and Death. Are the enti­ty of all phe­nom­e­non.

  • Valentine De Vargas says:

    The return of the Christ, not the Man Jesus. Is that it’s here now. Just look between your hands Round behind you, as far as you can see, that is God the Christ.

  • Lynnemarie says:

    Jeho­vah had Moses tell Pharaoh: “For this very rea­son I have kept you in exis­tence: to show you my pow­er and to have my name declared in all the earth.” Exo­dus 9: 16. Romans 9:17. Jesus fore­told that once the Good News of the King­dom is “ preached in all the earth” to Jehovah’s sat­is­fac­tion, “then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14 Jesus said in prayer to his Father, : “ I have made your name known to them, and will make it known.” John 17:26. To what name was Jesus refer­ring? Psalm 83:18, Isa­iah 42:8.
    For the truth of the Bible and the answers to ques­tions regard­ing the end of the cur­rent sys­tem of things, go to the web­site that is ful­fill­ing the prophe­cy “the good news of the King­dom [being] preached in all the earth.”
    At the time of this writ­ing, this unique web­site is trans­lat­ed into 1,070 lan­guages. !!!


  • Jesus says:

    New­ton had the wrong start date for his count. He should have used 767 AD when Pope Paul I died and Con­stan­tine moved relics from Saints from the Cat­a­combs to inside of the Church. If he had used this date, he would have came to the year 2027 being the end of the world. How do I know these things? I am Jesus in the flesh, here to reclaim my throne…

  • Michelle says:

    I believe Sir Isaac New­ton could have been exact­ly right about 2060, but because of all that I see tak­ing place on Earth 🌎 at this time, if I had to guess… 2030. Also, remem­ber that Jesus said he would have to short­en the days, for the elects sake.

  • Ismah says:

    Accord­ing to me and the words from holy Quran,the end of the world 🌎 it is soon to come which means it is on way so also sir Isaac New­ton may be cor­rect on 2060,but this event is the only god knows.

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