‘Tis the season when bunnies temporarily upend cats as rulers of the Internet.
There are scores of vintage snapshots in which innocent children are passively menaced by hideous, full body bunny costumes—hopefully an inaccurate reflection of the adults encased therein…
“Medieval rabbits that hate Easter and want to kill you”…
Some edible DIY fails…
And mercifully, a bit of sweet nostalgia from the New York Public Library, who is making its robust collection of Easter greetings available for free download.

Each card comes with publication information. Images of the flip sides reveal that the sender often considered the publishers’ preprinted sentiments correspondence enough. (It’s something of a relief to realize that social media did not invent this kind of shorthand.)

Bunnies are not the only fruit here… seasonal flora and fauna abound, in addition to more explicitly religious iconography.

View the entire collection here. Download as many as you’d like and do with them as you will.
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Ayun Halliday is an author, illustrator, and Chief Primatologist of the East Village Inky zine. Follow her @AyunHalliday
»in addition to more explictly religious iconography
I have just looked at all 271 images. No Jesus, no crucifixion, no resurrection of any kind…just babies, bunnies, lambs and flowers.
I love reading an pictures just stands out so beautiful
You’re right, GG. It’s a hyperlink boo boo. The religious cards in the collection are here: