Unearthed Songs by Jeff Buckley Now Streaming Online (Free For a Limited Time)

buckley you and i

A quick fyi: Thanks to NPR, you can now stream You and I, a not-yet released album fea­tur­ing long-lost record­ings by Jeff Buck­ley, the singer-song writer who died in 1997, just as he seemed poised to be the heir appar­ent to Bob Dylan and Bruce Spring­steen. Here’s how NPR describes the album that will be offi­cial­ly released next week:

You And I col­lects 10 of his demos, which were record­ed in Feb­ru­ary 1993, short­ly after he’d signed to his label. For more than 20 years, they sat for­got­ten in the vaults — and, more to the point, were nev­er boot­legged or oth­er­wise cir­cu­lat­ed. New­ly unearthed, they show­case a late-bloom­ing 26-year-old artist who’s still find­ing and har­ness­ing his voice: learn­ing how to manip­u­late its gale-force pow­er, learn­ing when and whether to hold back, and learn­ing how to ful­ly trans­late his influ­ences into a sound of his own.

The songs are most­ly cov­ers of artists like The SmithsBob Dylan, Sly & The Fam­i­ly Stone, and Led Zep­pelin. You can stream the album below, or hear it over at NPR. But hur­ry up, it will only be free for a lim­it­ed time.

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