Watch Janis Joplin: Little Girl Blue: The PBS American Masters Documentary That’s Streaming Free for a Limited Time

A very quick heads up: Until the end of the month, you can stream free online Janis Joplin: Lit­tle Girl Blue, a new doc­u­men­tary from PBS’ Amer­i­can Mas­ters series. Writes PBS:

The broad­cast fea­tures Amy Berg’s nev­er-before-seen extend­ed film cut with addi­tion­al archival per­for­mance footage and new inter­views with Jan­ice Joplin’s sis­ter Lau­ra Joplin and musi­cians influ­enced by Janis: Ale­cia Moore (a.k.a. Pink), Juli­ette Lewis, Melis­sa Etheridge and the film’s nar­ra­tor, Chan Mar­shall, who is best known as indie rock star Cat Pow­er.

The doc runs 102 min­utes, and just start­ed air­ing on tele­vi­sion on PBS this week. Enjoy.

h/t goes to Elana and Robin.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Watch Janis Joplin’s Final Inter­view Reborn as an Ani­mat­ed Car­toon

Remem­ber­ing Janis Joplin: Some Clas­sic Live Per­for­mances and Pre­views of a New Joplin Musi­cal

Dick Cavett’s Epic Wood­stock Fes­ti­val Show (August, 1969)

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