Hear Amanda Palmer’s Cover of “Purple Rain,” a Gorgeous Stringfelt Send-Off to Prince

Amanda Palmer Prince Cover

Dear­ly beloved, we are gath­ered here today to get through this thing called life…

It must have crossed Prince’s mind that the day would sure­ly come when fans would mine his eter­nal­ly mem­o­rable open­er to 1984’s “Let’s Go Crazy” to eulo­gize him.

But could he have antic­i­pat­ed the heights to which fel­low singer-song­writer Aman­da Palmer would take this most under­stand­able of impuls­es?

Brace your­self for the above, the most mourn­ful­ly emo­tion­al cov­er of “Pur­ple Rain” you’re ever like­ly to hear. Yes, it shares an intro with “Let’s Go Crazy,” but this is no ordi­nary med­ley.

As with Strung Out In Heav­en, her five-track trib­ute to the recent­ly deceased David Bowie, Palmer teamed with a string quar­tet and pop poly­math pro­duc­er Jherek Bischoff. The quick turn­around result is both lush and heart­felt.

With no dis­re­spect, hope­ful­ly Palmer’s exquis­ite string ele­gies will not become a thing.

In oth­er words, we all have rock stars whose pass­ing we dread as an indi­ca­tor of our own mor­tal­i­ty.…

The pro­ceeds from the name-your-price pur­chase of Palmer’s “Pur­ple Rain” will be donat­ed to Ele­vate Hope Foun­da­tion, the non-prof­it project co-found­ed by fre­quent Prince col­lab­o­ra­tor, Sheila E, to pro­vide music ther­a­py for abused and aban­doned chil­dren.

As recent­ly as mid-March, Palmer was char­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly mouthy online about her philo­soph­i­cal dif­fer­ences with the Pur­ple One, whom she described as the yang to her yin:

We want con­nec­tion but dis­agree about the wires, the chan­nels, the ingre­di­ents.

After he passed, she showed more restraint in an inter­view with Pitch­fork, in which she shared some per­son­al rec­ol­lec­tions about Prince’s role in her (elec­tric word) life.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Hear Strung Out in Heav­en, a Gor­geous Trib­ute to David Bowie by Aman­da Palmer & Jherek Bischoff’s, Made with Help from Neil Gaiman

This Is What It Sounds Like When 1999 Peo­ple Sing Prince’s “When Doves Cry”

Delight in Prince’s Extra­or­di­nar­i­ly Poignant Cov­er of Radiohead’s “Creep” & His Com­plete 2008 Coachel­la Set

Ayun Hal­l­i­day is an author, illus­tra­tor, and Chief Pri­ma­tol­o­gist of the East Vil­lage Inky zine. Fol­low her @AyunHalliday

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