Talk about proÂlifÂic. French filmÂmakÂer Michel Gondry has just released his 85th music video–this one for The White Stripes’ new song “City Lights.”
Last year, Ted Mills took a look at Gondry’s music videos for Björk, RadioÂhead and The ChemÂiÂcal BrothÂers, showÂing us why Gondry, who first began experÂiÂmentÂing with the forÂmat in 1988, was “one of the last great music video directors”–someone who creÂatÂed “mini-epics just before the music indusÂtry colÂlapsed, and budÂgets disÂapÂpeared.”
Most know Gondry for his 2004 feaÂture film, EterÂnal SunÂshine of the SpotÂless Mind. Or perÂhaps you saw his aniÂmatÂed 2013 docÂuÂmenÂtary on Noam ChomÂsky, Is the Man Who Is Tall HapÂpy? If you did, you’ll recÂogÂnize the aesÂthetÂic used in the new White Stripes video above. As Rolling Stone describes it, the video is just “a sinÂgle shot of the exteÂriÂor of a showÂer, with [a] bather visuÂalÂly drawÂing out the song’s lyrics in the steam and conÂdenÂsaÂtion on the showÂer door. With each line, the steam slowÂly erasÂes the preÂviÂous drawÂing, and a new image is sketched on the door.” You can try it at home.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Watch Michel Gondry AniÂmate PhilosoÂpher, LinÂguist & Activist Noam ChomÂsky
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