Shepard Fairey probably first crossed your radar when he drew the iconic “Hope” poster so associated with Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign. Now, he returns with another set of posters to help protest the inauguration of one Donald J. Trump. If you head over to the Amplifier Foundation web site, you can download and print a series of posters (shown above) by Fairey. The same applies to a number of posters designed by other artists, including Jessica Sabogal and Ernesto Yerena.
The images capture the “shared humanity of our diverse America” and condemn the exclusionary policies of the incoming administration. And thanks to the $1.3 million raised through a successful Kickstarter campaign, these posters will figure into a larger Inauguration Day plan. Here’s how it will work:
Much of Washington will be locked down on Inauguration Day, and in some areas there will be severe restrictions on signs and banners. But we’ve figured out a hack. It’s called the newspaper! On January 20th, if this campaign succeeds, we’re going to take out full-page ads in the Washington Post with these images, so that people across the capitol and across the country will be able to carry them into the streets, hang them in windows, or paste them on walls.
You’re welcome to print and post these posters around your town–wherever it’s legally permitted to do so. To download the posters, click here.
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Politics is an ugly color on you, Open Culture.
Beautiful posters and a great way to speak up for women. I’ve admired Shepard Fairey’s work for a long time.
Consider The Amplifier Foundation’s poster for the Women’s March, the day after. “Women Are Perfect” it proclaims. Necessarily it follows that men are less than. So typically feminist. However it does dovetail with the idea that women have to be covered, to prevent men from seeing them as sluts, and raping them. So very Muslim.
I will have nothing to do with these people.
While I oppose what appear to be your politics, I would hope to never demand you shouldn’t promote your viewpoint, using the art that expresses it. That’s not what we should do, in the middle, in times that desperately need a middle.
I’ll print them up to line my birdcage.
What men are not “we people”..?
“Necessarily it follows that men are less than.”
“However it does dovetail with the idea that women have to be covered”
Do you know that your personal interpretations do not necessarily depict the truth?
For the first time in 50 years I didn’t vote. I couldn’t decide between Bad and Worse. Good luck, U S A. You get what you deserve.
This is a great site, but if I want leftist opinions, I’ll go to PuffHo. Please bear in mind that 1) not all of us intellectuals are to the left, and 2) it’s important to keep politics out of our understanding of culture as much as humanly possible. Also what Maxwell said, far more succinctly than I could.
Democracy won!
Democrats apparently hate democracy!
Wow, a lot of very defensive men posting here. Has it occurred to you guys that when someone feels positive about themselves or self confident, or feels the need to assert themselves because of a longstanding unfairness, misunderstanding or injustice, it does not mean they are putting you down. ‘Black lives matter’ for example — I guess we should have said ‘black lives matter too’ so that people didn’t assume we were implying that other lives didn’t — which we never were. Who knew? It seems like this defensiveness and negativity might be a big part of the problem. Try listening and learning to others, instead of just getting defensive. Sorry guys, it’s not all about you. Sometimes it’s about supporting others, and finding out what they need. And I’m sure people will be invested in hearing what you do need, if you can tell them reasonably, instead of just meting out criticism when others speak up.
And the artwork is beautiful. Thank you :)
If you are intellectual as claimed then you certainly realize that politics is central to understanding all culture, from the dawn of civilization until the end of it. Examples include Greece, Egypt, China, Rome, (and every other society). True intellectuals make their own opinions and do not lean towards a party affiliation- They go with the best option for their vote each and every time, and they base it upon research not carried out by others but by themselves. Seeing how you’re an intellectual I’m positive you knew that though :)
also- what Dan the Editor said to your buddy Maxwell.
Alison Hodge said: “And I’m sure people will be invested in hearing what you do need, if you can tell them reasonably, instead of just meting out criticism when others speak up.”
So when the editor of this website, Dan Colman, replied with: “Put differently, I’m not interested in your opinion.”
That was OK, but because you disagree with everyone else’s opinions, it makes those people defensive and not Dan?
As a person who works in the field, I do believe that politics plays a vital role in art. It is a strong and reliable inspiration mechanism for creativity and plays a key role in culture(s). Having said that, Fairey’s latest contribution is a copy of a copy of his own work. This blog is always interesting, can be provocative and with that perspective it’s hard to believe the predictable outrage of youthful leftists is new or even remarkable. I don’t see inspiration in the opposition to a Republican administration, I see entitlement and this sentiment is remarkable and new. IMHO.
‘Islam’ and ‘Feminism’ don’t belong in the same sentence. Even the ‘Moderate’ Muslims make the staunchest Christians look like braless Women’s Rights supporters. Try being a woman and driving, unaccompanied (by a man)in public, going out to vote, and all without wearing a hijab or burka…and see what happens if you think I’m wrong. Can’t believe Progressives want that sort-of-thing (Sharia Law) for women here in America!
Way to support those violent protesters!
You Maxwell, are an ugly person.
There WAS NO VIOLENCE! You are watching fake news.
Love Shepard’s work and still have the one he did of Obama!Thank you Shepard!
Thank you for supporting equal rights for all :) The march was great and peaceful, and the sense of community and coming together was powerful.
Yes, Melissa, yes! It’s not about women being better or smarter than men. It is about women united feeling their power thru peaceful protest to make changes that improve circumstances for all of humanity! Women praying and full of hope, counting on POTUS to be successful.…so that life gets better for us all! Choosing humanity over racism and politics! What’s to dislike about that?
@Barbara Well said, I just hope that the same women who can march in the thousands will not continue to be silent about islam’s treatment of women. If they are, then the whole conceit is without merit!
Such ignorance. It was peaceful unity. Women care about themselves and every other woman on the planet. Women that care about themselves and other women DOES NOT MAKE THEM FEMINISTS it makes them HUMANITARIANS. I marched for the women in your lives too! Historic and epic event!
Curious. Dovetail? Did you read the HBR recently. The idea and the existence of the middle is way gone. But the fact that you think you’re in it may be something to examine.